Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Summer is OVER!!!!

OK...Let 's get to it. Summer is over. Time to fix those antenna problems and get ready for the winter DX season, which is right around the corner.
As many of my readers know it has been a tough summer for me with illness and such. The take away from all of this is don't drop a propane cylinder on your toe...Trust me on this!

Well we are back on the blog and as I said getting ready for the winter season. I set up my 80 meter receiving loop up this weekend and also did general antenna maintenance.  It seems like you have to get old before you learn this lesson...lol

These photos were taken before we were smart enough to get to the antenna work BEFORE winter sets in.. Thanks to N2ENM for the photos.

Yup, that's me at Ricky's house holding our Globe Scout.

And one of Ricky, N2ENM with another radio.

When we were this young we would work on antennas in the snow...now that we are older...not so much...the take away from this is to CHECK YOUR ANTENNAS NOW!