Tuesday, January 2, 2018

6O6O Operation from Somalia

Operators Ken LA7GIA and Adrian KO8SCA will be active as 6O6O from Somalia between January 3-16th, 2018.
Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. They will be using their Elecraft K3 radios into a beam, verticals, dipoles and beverages as well as high power amplifiers.
If there is Internet available on the site, they will do a live ClubLog and LoTW uploads on all QSOs. Paper QSL cards are via M0OXO and his OQRS.
Adrian informs OPDX that Somalia is a country ravaged by poverty and war, but it is slowly returning to normal.
Their DXpedition will also have a humanitarian aspect. Both Ken and Adrian will pay for all the DXpedition expenses. All money raised during the DXpedition will go to the not-for-profit Doctors Without Borders (DWOB) [see the following Web page (http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org) which recently returned to Somalia see http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/country-region/somalia after an absence of a few years.
They have also set up a dedicated PayPal address for these donations 6o6o@la7gia.com. Closing date for donations is February 1st, 2018, when donations will be wire transferred to DWOB.