Thursday, March 29, 2018

KPH Returns to The Air!

Here is the latest from the Marine Radio Historical Society:

29 March 2018


Additional KPH and K6KPH Frequencies Return to the Air

After three days of intensive repair and restoration work in the antenna field at the Bolinas transmit site we are happy to report that all KPH, KFS and K6KPH Morse frequencies will return to the air on Saturday 31 March.

Note: The Marconi T antenna has been repaired allowing KPH to return to MF.

As many readers know, we had a large program of antenna repair scheduled for 2018.  But years of deferred maintenance caught up with us before we could begin and we had to cease operations until vital repairs were made.  This work included not only the antennas and feed lines but support structures as well. 

Repairs required two bucket trucks and a crew for the Pacific Slope Tree Cooperative.  These guys are outstanding and were immediately able to adapt to antenna work from their usual tree work.

Pacific Slope workers repair horizontal member of north H frame

We will provide full derails and photos in the next issue of the MRHS Newsletter (subscribe HERE if you are not already receiving the Newsletter) but we wanted to let you know that all KPH and K6KPH Morse frequencies will be active starting Saturday 31 March.  We look forward to your reports and to your contacts with K6KPH.

Clearly none of this could have happened without the financial support of True Believers around the world.  It's truly a case of your donation dollars at work!  But we have much more to do at both the receive and transmit sites to assure that our operations can continue into the future.  Any help you provide toward that end will be deeply appreciated.  Just click on the button below!

Make a Donation

Here's a list of the KPH, KFS and K6KPH Morse frequencies that will be active.  Note that classic Heavy Iron transmitters will be used on selected frequencies:


6477.5 (1950s vintage RCA "K" set transmitter)
22447.5 (1950s vintage RCA T3 "H" set transmitter)


12695.5 (1942 Press Wireless PW 15 transmitter)



Morse press will begin at 1000pdt (1700z) on KPH and KFS.  KPH and KFS will stand by for calls from ships beginning at 1200pdt (1900z).  K6KPH will be available for calls beginning at 1200pdt (1900z).

There will be no RTTY transmissions this weekend but we plan to restore those frequencies to operation too as soon as we can.

The station may be reached by phone on +1 415-669-9646 after 1200pdt (1900z).

Join us!  The receive site is open for visitors between 1200pdt and 1600pdt.  We're located in the Point Reyes National Seashore at 17400 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard.  If navigating by GPS use Inverness as the closest town.

VY 73,