IOTA News from the
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
30 January, 2018
Island activities:IOTA QRGs
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
NA-008; VY0, Nunavut (Ellesmere Island) group: VY0ERC, the Eureka
Amateur Radio Club, will be active from Feb. 3 until March 3 on 40 and 20, maybe also on 80m, on SSB, digital modes and CW; actual operations depending on weather and time of day. QSL via M0OXO.
NA-180; V3, Stann Creek/ Toledo District group: Art/NN7A activates
South Water Cave Island between Jan. 31 and Feb. 6 as V31JZ/p on
80-10m (mostly CW) with 100W and wire antennas. QSL via NN7A (d/B),
ClubLog OQRS.
OC-042; DU1-4, Luzon Island: DU3/F4EBK (Christian) will be operating from Luzon Island (WLOTA 0081, WW Loc. PK04kw) between Feb. 1 and March 31 on 80-10m on CW, SSB, and digital modes. QSL via F4EBK (d).
OC-128; DU1, Palawan Island: Bodo/DF8DX plans to operate from
Palawan Island as DU1WQY/1 between Feb. 4 and 14. QSL via DF8DX
(d/B), ClubLog OQRS, LoTW.
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club e-mail:
RSGB IOTA website
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TNX Southgate