Tuesday, April 30, 2019

IOTA News from OPDX

IOTA News from OPDX

29 April, 2019

Island activities:
AS-049. Operators Yuichi/JA6UFF/8J6VLP and Hitoshi/JR0UIU will be active as JA6UFF/6, 8J6VLP/6 and JR0UIU/6, respectively, from Kuchino Island between April 28th and May 2nd. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. QSL via their home callsigns, direct or by the Bureau.
EU-125. Bernd, DL9LBR, will be active as OZ/DL9LBR from Fanø Island
between May 4-11th. Look for all QSLs to be confirmed via the DARC QSL Bureau.
EU-033. Operators Ric/DL2VFR, Friedrich/DL4BBH and Klaus/DL7UXG will
be active as LA/homecall from Vesteralen Island between May 27-31st. Activity will be on CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via info on QRZ.com.
EU-033. Operators Ric/DL2VFR, Friedrich/DL4BBH and Klaus/DL7UXG will
be active as LA/homecall from Lofoten Island between June 1-5th. Activity will be on CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via operator's instructions or info on QRZ.com (some use Bureau, direct, ClubLog, LoTW or eQSL).
NA-085. Bruce, K5TEN, will once again activate Dog Island (WW. Loc
EL79) using the callsign K4D between June 2-13th. Dog Island, Florida, is an extremely rare IOTA because access is controlled by the 25 or so homeowners on the island.
There are no hams on the island, and the only activations have been done by Bruce over the last 5 years. Access is by permission only and permission by one of the homeowners. It is only accessible by private charter or single engine fixed wing aircraft. The airstrip is overgrown so private charter is the only real choice.
There are no streets, roads, stop signs, trendy cafes, or beach-front bars. If you need it, you bring it.
Activity will be on 40-6 meters primarily on SSB and FT8 Digital mode
using 100 watts an ICOM 7100 into an off center fed dipole.
Bruce will be checking 10m and 6m often for Sporadic E.
Look for him during daylight USA on 15 and 20 meters, nighttime 30 and 40m. He will also be active during the ARRL June VHF Contest.
In the past, suggested frequencies are:
SSB - 7180, 14235, 18115, 21275, 24940 and 28310 kHz
CW - 7029, 10110, 14029, 18077, 21029, 24930 and 28010 kHz
QSL via K5TEN, SASE REQUIRED for stateside and DX (DX 2 USDs
REQUIRED). Also, QSL via LoTW, eQSL and ClubLog.
NA-210. (Update) Members of the Russian Robinson Club are planning to
activate Sledge Island as KL7RRC/P. Operators Mike/AD5A, Yuri/UA9OBA and Yuri/N3QQ are planning their activity around August 25th and September 3rd, but it is subject to obtaining permissions from US FWS and USCG.
Operations will be on 40-6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8, with possibly 2-3 stations. FT8 will be on 24/7 as a beacon on two bands F/H mode. QSL via N7RO or ClubLog (will be uploaded after the expedition). Look for
more details to be forthcoming. Also watch QRZ.com.
OC-059. (Update) Haru, JA1XGI, will be active as V6K (it is official)
from Kosrae Island between June 17-24th. Activity will be holiday style on 40/30/20/17/15/12/10 meters using mainly CW and the Digital modes (RTTY and FT8). Suggested frequencies are:
CW - 7025, 10115, 14040, 18074, 21040, 24895 and 28040 kHz
RTTY - 7035, 10140, 14080, 18090, 21080, 24920 and 28080 kHz
FT8(N) - 7074, 10136, 14074, 18100, 21074, 24910 and 28074 kHz
FT8(F/H) - 7051, 10131, 14090, 18102, 21090, 24915 and 28090 kHz
* Frequency on the above will change by band condition
His equipment will be an Icom IC7300 with a DXV600L(Tiny PA) into two vertical antennas. QSL via his home callsign, direct, by the Bureau, ClubLog's OQRS or LoTW (available after 3 month).
For more details and updates, watch: http://v6k.client.jp
PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <www.iota-world.org> have decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin......
Check-out the latest IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club