Monday, June 22, 2020


IOTA News from OPDX

22 June, 2020

Island activities:
IOTA NEWS. Since no or few new IOTA announcements have been made during the past several weeks (probably because of many COVID-19 travel restrictions), OPDX decided to list the following IOTA operations that were active this past week between June 14-20th (as per the DXCluster):
IOTA Callsign Island/GROUP Bands/Modes
------ ---------- ------------- ------------
AF-004 EA8DHV Tenerife 20m; CW
AF-004 EA8TL Tenerife 20m; CW
AF-004 EA8WU Canary 20m; FT8
AF-016 FR1GV Reunion 17m; FT8
AF-018 IH9YMC Pantelleria 20m; SSB
AF-057 5R8UI Nosy Be 30m; Digi
AN-016 RI1ANM Antarctica 20m; Digi
AS-002 A91PSD Bahrain 40m; Digi
AS-004 5B4VL Cyprus 17m; SSB
AS-007 7N4SJX Honshu 20m; FT8
AS-007 JH3NGD Honshu 17m; SSB
AS-007 JJ2PIK Honshu 20m; Digi
AS-007 JP1GUW Honshu 20m; CW
AS-007 JR7TKG Honshu 17m; SSB
AS-018 RM0F Sakhalin 17m; FT8
AS-019 9V1YC Singapore 20m; Digi
AS-078 JF8QNF Hokkaido 10m; Digi
EU-001 SV5AZK Rhodes 20m; FT8
EU-003 CS8ABG Sao Miguel 20m; SSB
EU-004 EA6VQ Balearic 30m; FT8
EU-005 G0TSM Great Britain 20m; FT8
EU-005 G4UJS Great Britain 20m; FT8
EU-005 G8BCG Great Britain 20m; FT8
EU-005 GB1CTM Great Britain 20m; SSB
EU-005 M5OTA/P Great Britain 20m; SSB
EU-009 GB2OL Scotland 15m; FT8
EU-009 GM8OFQ Hoy 20m; SSB
EU-014 TK8QD Corsica 17m; SSB
EU-023 9H5JO Gozo 20m; SSB
EU-024 IS0KNG Sardinia 10m; Digi
EU-030 OZ1NKS/P Bornholm 80m; SSB
EU-038 PA/DL1DN NoordHolland/Frie 20m; SSB
EU-042 DL1WH/P Sylt 40/30/20m; CW
EU-046 LA6KOA Rolla 17m; SSB
EU-127 DF6QC Helgoland 20m; CW
EU-175 CU3BL Terceira 17m; SSB
EU-186 TA1CQ Turkey 40m; FT8
NA-018 XP3A Greenland 20m; Digi
NA-021 8P5AA Barbados 20m; SSB
NA-021 8P6NW Barbados 20m; SSB
NA-026 WA2YYL NY State 20m; FT8
NA-097 6Y6STAYHOME Jamaica 20m; Digi
NA-108 J69DS St. Lucia 20m; FT8
NA-187 W6WF CA State Centre 10m; Digi
OC-001 VK1TX Australia 40m; SSB
OC-001 VK2CR Australia 20m; SSB
OC-019 WH6EY Hawaiian 17m; Digi
OC-021 YB0COU Java 80m; FT8
OC-036 ZL1WN NZ North 20m; SSB
OC-134 ZL2RX NZ South 20m; CW
OC-144 YE4IJ Belitung 20m; Digi
SA-002 VP8HDM Falkland 20m; SSB
SA-002 VP8LP Falkland 20m; SSB
SA-011 9Z4Y Trinidad and Tobago 20m; CW
SA-018 CE7VPQ Chiloe 20m; SSB
SA-026 PP5GTA/P Santa Catarina 40m; SSB
Important RSGB Convention Announcement (; dated June
19th): In response to the UK's continuing social distancing regulations,
the RSGB Convention Committee has changed the arrangements for the RSGB
Convention on October 9-11th, 2020.
Instead of the physical Convention in Milton Keynes, the RSGB is instead holding an online Convention on Saturday, October 10th, 2020.
Whether you're a new licensee or have been enjoying amateur radio for many years, there will be a range of topics from expert speakers that you can enjoy free throughout the day.
The RSGB will announce further details of the presentations and how to take part over the coming weeks.
AS-152. Members of the Arctic Legends team (RT9K) will be planning to activate the Island of Big Begichev (Bol?shoy Begichev) sometime in early 2021. The team recently received the callsign RI0Q for the DXpedition.
Watch for update on Twitter by Igor, UA9KDF. (
NA-079. Operators Matt/AE4MQ, Grace/KE3G, Zachary/KN4KVC, Michael/N3KPU, Connor/W4IPC and James/WX4TV will be active as N4T from the Dry Tortugas National Park (Grid Square EL84np, POTA K-0023, ARLHS USA-316), Florida, between July 21-24th. Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB, FT8 and the Satellites. Planned FT8 frequencies: 3567, 7056, 10131, 14090, 18095, 21091, 24911, 28091 and 50323 kHz. QSL via LoTW. For more details, see:
NA-144. Oleh, KD7WPJ, will once again be active from Santa Rosa Island
between June 24-26th. Activity will be on 30-17 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via his home callsign.
PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <> have decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX, and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin......
Check-out the latest IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club