Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Free IRCA reprints


Free IRCA reprints

Recently, the North American DX club, IRCA released to the public more than 900 past articles from their publication, DX Monitor.

Since 1964, the International Radio Club of America has been documenting medium wave DXing and DXers’ efforts to improve their understanding of radio reception and to develop better listening techniques. During that time, over 900 articles have been written, that have furthered the art of DXing.

Many of these continue to be relevant to the more general radio hobbyist, including articles about antennas, radio propagation, receivers and accessories, plus general technical information.

Previously, those articles were available only to club members, but they are now available to all. Go to , and click on the “Free IRCA Reprints” button to download your own copies.

Thanks to Nick Hall-Patch (2020-11-10)