Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fiji Islands

Operators Bob W7YAQ and Bill N7OU will return to the South Pacific again and be active between February 2-21st.
Their schedule is as follows:
February 2-7th - Their callsign will be 3D2NB (W7YAQ) and 3D2OU (N7OU) from Nadi, Viti Levu Island (OC-016, WLOTA 0055), Fiji
February 8-21st - Their callsign will be 3D2RX (W7YAQ) and 3D2RO (N7OU) from Rotuma (OC-060)
Activity will be 160-10 meters, mainly CW but with some SSB and RTTY.
At both QTHs their vertical antennas will be next to saltwater on a north-facing shore.
During the ARRL CW DX Contest they will make a Multi-Single entry from Rotuma as 3D2RX.
QSL via their home callsigns. They will be uploading their logs to LOTW as soon as they get back to the USA.
Thanks Southgate...