Friday, January 25, 2013

Norfolk Island

Ten amateur radio operators from the Oceania DX Group (ODXG) will be active as VK9NT from Norfolk Island (OC-005) between May 3-13th.
Planning is now well underway with accommodations and air travel booked.

The group plans to have 4 stations covering all bands 80-10 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY.

Operators mentioned are Chris VK3QB (Team Leader), Luke VK3HJ, Lee VK3GK, Benton VK3CBV, Allan VK2CA (QSL Manager/Webmaster),
Catherine VK4GH, John VK4IO, Roy VK3GB, Peter VK3IJ & Graeme VK3GL.
An "Online QSL Request Service" will be available for Bureau, and direct cards on ClubLog which is the PREFERRED method. If for some reason you cannot use the OQRS or LoTW, QSL can go direct to VK2CA.

Thanks to Southgate ARC