Sunday, April 16, 2017

Spratley Island News

Spratly Islands DXpedition postponed

The international amateur radio team has postponed their December 2017 DXpedition and will be active from Layang Layang Island (Swallow Reef), Spratly Islands (AS-051), in March of 2018.
Look for 9M0W to be active for 8-10 days between March 10-20th.
Operators mentioned are Hrane/YT1AD, Choi/HL5FUA, Dave/WD5COV, Dave/K3LP, Jim/K9JM, Dragan/YT3W, Dusko/ZL3WW, Mike/K6MKF, Alan/K6SRZ, Douglas/N6TQS, Chris/ VK3FY, Lee/VK3GK, Fred/PY2XB, and also 3-5 local amateurs from Kota Konibalu (9M6). The team has two vacant positions.
Activity will be 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes.
The reason for the delay of activity is because the Layang Layang resort is closed during the period between December-February 2018