Sunday, June 17, 2018

425 DX Group News

16 June 2018                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1415
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till  16/06      VP9/WA4PGM: Bermuda (NA-005)                          1413
till  17/06      EH8FC: Fuencaliente Lighthouse                        1415
till  17/06      FO/HB9XBG: Bora Bora (OC-067), French Polynesia       1413
till  17/06      TM24H: special event stations (France)                1411
till  18/06      3W9NH: Vietnam                                        1414
till  19/06      ES0UG: Hiiumaa Island (EU-034)                        1407
till  19/06      VK5CE/6: Cheyne Island (OC-193)                       1415
till  20/06      LA/SP7IDX: Vannoya (EU-046)                           1413
till  22/06      SV5/OK2QQ: Dodecanese (EU-001)                        1413
till  23/06      DL1WH/p: Usedom Island (EU-129)                       1414
till  24/06      9X2AW: Rwanda                                         1409
till  25/06      II1ITR: special callsign                              1397
till  27/06      4X70A, 4X70E, 4X70L: special callsigns                1405
till  27/06      4X70I, 4X70S, 4X70R: special callsigns                1405
till  27/06      4Z70IARC: special callsign                            1405
till  28/06      J3/G0VJG: Grenada (NA-024)                            1414
till  30/06      4U29MAY: special callsign (Italy)                     1407
till  30/06      DM90AIW: special event station                        1391
till  30/06      HH70A: special callsign                               1391
till  30/06      II3AC: special callsign                               1407
till  30/06      J48GEO: Lesvos Island (EU-049)                        1414
till  30/06      LZ430PPW: special callsign                            1392
till  30/06      VR20: special prefix (Hong Kong)                      1364
till  30/06      YB50AC, YB50BA, YB50BB, YB50BE: special stations      1412
till  30/06      YB50AR: special event station                         1412
till  30/06      YB50BT, YB50GO, YB50JA, YB50JB: special stations      1412
till  30/06      YB50JI, YB50JK, YB50JT, YB50KB: special stations      1412
till  30/06      YB50KI, YB50KR, YB50KS, YB50KT: special stations      1412
till  30/06      YB50LA, YB50MA, YB50MU, YB50NB: special stations      1412
till  30/06      YB50NT, YB50PA, YB50RI, YB50SA: special stations      1412
till  30/06      YB50SB, YB50SG, YB50SN, YB50SR: special stations      1412
till  30/06      YB50SS, YB50ST, YB50SU, YB50YO: special stations      1412
till  15/07      R18ARG, R18AUS, R18BEL, R18BRA: special callsigns     1412
till  15/07      R18COL, R18CRC, R18CRO, R18DEN: special callsigns     1412
till  15/07      R18EGY, R18ENG, R18ESP, R18FRA: special callsigns     1412
till  15/07      R18GER, R18IRN, R18ISL, R18JPN: special callsigns     1412
till  15/07      R18KOR, R18KSA, R18MAR, R18MEX: special callsigns     1412
till  15/07      R18NGA, R18PAN, R18PER, R18POL: special callsigns     1412
till  15/07      R18POR, R18RUS, R18SEN, R18SRB: special callsigns     1412
till  15/07      R18SUI, R18SWE, R18TUN, R18URU: special callsigns     1412
till  15/07      RC18EK, RC18KA, RC18KZ, RC18MO: special callsigns     1412
till  15/07      RC18NN, RC18RO, RC18SA, RC18SO: special callsigns     1412
till  15/07      RC18SP, RC18SR, RC18VG: special callsigns             1412
till  15/07      RU18WC and R18REF: special callsigns                  1412
till  15/07      ***FIFA and ***FWC: special callsigns                 1412
till  29/07      ZB2RAF: special callsign                              1404
till  24/08      II6CNT: special calsign                               1373
till  31/08      VI50IARU3: special callsign                           1410
till  31/08      VI70MI: Australia                                     1415
till  01/09      RI1FJ: Franz Josef Land (EU-019)                      1404
till  30/09      EI0DXG: Ireland (EU-115)                              1412
till  20/10      IB2RT: special callsign                               1403
till  31/10      BV50IARU: special callsign                            1414
till  31/10      HL50IARU: special callsign                            1410
till  31/10      HS50IARU: special callsign                            1414
till  13/11      OE100: special prefix                                 1401
till  31/12      4K100W: special callsign                              1400
till  31/12      5W20SAMOA: special callsign (Samoa, OC-097)           1392
till  31/12      9A36W and 9A61AA: special callsigns                   1391
till  31/12      DA200FWR: special callsign                            1391
till  31/12      DJ70WAE: special callsign                             1391
till  31/12      DK200MARX: special callsign                           1391
till  31/12      EI100MCV: special callsign                            1391
till  31/12      II2RR: special callsign                               1398
till  31/12      IR0FOC: special callsign (Sardinia)                   1394
till  31/12      LM90C, LM90HQ, LM90NRRL: special callsigns            1393
till  31/12      S590RTVS: special callsign                            1407
till  31/12      SU9JT: Egypt                                          1399
till  31/12      YT100SF and YU100WWI: special callsigns               1399
till  31/03 2019 GB100RAF: special callsign                            1404
till  March 2019 VK0AI: Macquarie Island (AN-005)                      1406
16/06-17/06      6M6M: Yonghung Island (AS-105)                        1415
16/06-17/06      EJ0DXG: Bere Island (EU-121)                          1415
16/06-17/06      International Museums Weekend                         1415
16/06-17/06      VP8HDM: Falkland Islands (SA-002)                     1413
16/06-23/06      9A90P: Palagruza Islands (EU-090)                     1405
16/06-24/06      II1PMM: special callsign                              1415
17/06-18/06      TM62GG: special event station (France)                1414
18/06-24/06      R125NSK: special callsign                             1414
18/06-30/06      IA5/HB9CPS: Elba Island (EU-028)                      1415
18/06-10/07      CP1XRM: Bolivia                                       1415
20/06-22/06      VK5CE/6: Woody Island (OC-170)                        1415
20/06-23/06      ZV8FF: Serra da Capivara National Park                1415
20/06-24/06      DL0DFF: Hallig Hooge (EU-042)                         1411
21/06-27/06      H44XG: Guadalcanal (OC-047), Solomon Islands          1409
21/06-05/07      TM2GGR: special callsign (France)                     1415
22/06-23/06      TM65EU: IOTA group EU-065                             1409
22/06-20/07      V47JA: St. Kitts (NA-104)                             1413
22/06-27/06      T88YL: Koror (OC-009), Palau                          1415
23/06-24/06      International Museums Weekend                         1415
24/06-30/06      BW/DF8DX: Taiwan (AS-020)                             1403
24/06-09/07      8Q7DT: Maldives (AS-013)                              1415
26/06-05/07      6W/ON4AZP: Senegal                                    1415
26/06-06/07      KH1/KH7Z: Baker Island (OC-089)                       1415
27/06-29/06      OJ0Y: Market Reef (EU-053)                            1413
27/06-29/06      VK5CE/p: St Peter Island (OC-220)                     1412
June             GB4FWW: special callsign (England)                    1389
June             II4AMP: special callsign                              1391
June             JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                 1403
June             PF2018HIN: special callsign                           1387
June             ZM50LA: special callsign                              1404
01/07-06/07      5Q6D and 5Q9F: Romo Island (EU-125)                   1413
01/07-10/07      4K6/DL7ZM: Azerbaijan                                 1415
01/07-11/07      VQ5Z: Caicos Islands (NA-002)                         1409
01/07-14/07      OX3LX: Greenland (NA-018 and NA-243)                  1415
01/07-31/07      LZ380PM: special callsign                             1392
01/07-31/07      R25RRC: special callsign                              1413
03/07-17/07      FP/KV1J: Miquelon Island (NA-032)                     1405
05/07-10/07      VE1FA/KL7 and VA1YL/KL7: Round Island (NA-121)        1414
13/07-17/07      3D2: Fiji * by WJ2O                                   1413
18/07-25/07      YJ0GA: Efate (OC-035), Vanuatu                        1409
20/07-22/07      EJ0DXG: EU-007                                        1412
25/07-29/07      GJ3RCV and MJ8C: Les Minquiers (EU-099), Jersey       1411
26/07-30/07      PS1S: Ilha de Santana (SA-077)                        1405
27/07-30/07      F4GYM/p and F4GTB/p: Noirmoutier Island (EU-064)      1399
28/07-29/07      IJ7V: San Pietro Island (EU-073)                      1405
28/07-29/07      TM6N: Noiremoutier Island (EU-064)                    1399
July             GB5GW: special callsign (England)                     1389
July             II4COU: special callsign                              1391
July             JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                 1403
July             PF2018FRA: special callsign                           1387
July             V63GJ, V63SS, V63YL: Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia     1412
July             V6J: Ta Island (OC-254), Micronesia                   1412
01/08-31/08      LZ1146SPS: special callsign                           1392
24/08-26/08      EJ0DXG: EU-121                                        1412
August           GB5FWW: special callsign (England)                    1389
August           II4VOL: special callsign                              1391
August           JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                 1403
August           PF2018HAR: special callsign                           1387
August           ZM50MAUQ: special callsign                            1404
01/09-10/09      EX0PL: Kyrgyzstan                                     1415
01/09-30/09      LZ920MLC: special callsign                            1392
12/09-01/10      T32AH: Christmas Island (OC-024), East Kiribati       1399
13/09-16/09      EJ0DXG: EU-006                                        1412
26/09-10/10      9X0T: Rwanda                                          1413
28/09-14/10      5W0GC: Samoa (OC-097)                                 1407
30/09-12/10      C21GJ: Nauru (OC-031)                                 1413
September        3DA0AO: eSwatini (Swaziland)                          1409
September        GB6GW: special callsign (England)                     1389
September        II4LNZ: special callsign                              1391
September        PF2018DOK: special callsign                           1387
September        RI0B: Arkticheskogo Instituta Islands (AS-087)        1413
September        RI0B: Firnley Islands (AS-054)                        1413
September        RI0B: Nansen Island (AS-104)                          1413
September        RI0B: Scott-Hansen Islands (AS-068)                   1413
September        RI0B: Sibirjakov Island (AS-005)                      1413
September        RI0B: Tyrtov Island (AS-121)                          1413
01/10-31/10      LZ1545POA: special callsign                           1392
02/10-29/10      WH8/DL2AH: Ofu Island (OC-077), American Samoa        1399
06/10-16/10      E6Y: Niue (OC-040)                                    1415
15/10-04/11      YJ0GC: Efate (OC-035), Vanuatu                        1407
18/10-21/10      YB46SEA: special event station                        1411
20/10-03/11      VP6D: Ducie Island (OC-182)                           1415
26/10-06/11      Z23MD: Zimbabwe                                       1411
October          GB6FWW: special callsign (England)                    1389
October          II4OER: special callsign                              1391
October          PF2018WOR: special callsign                           1387
01/11-30/11      LZ33MM: special callsign                              1392
03/11-06/11      VK9XQ: Christmas Island (OC-002)                      1405
06/11-10/11      VK9CH: Cocos (Keeling) Islands (OC-003)               1405
10/11-11/11      GB0AD: special callsign (England)                     1389
10/11-17/11      VK9XQ: Christmas Island (OC-002)                      1405
November         GB8GW: special callsign (England)                     1389
November         II4HNR: special callsign                              1391
November         PF2018STA: special callsign                           1387
01/12-31/12      LZ532PSO: special callsign                            1392
December         II4FRD: special callsign                              1391
December         PF2018xxx: special callsigns                          1387
TBA              3D2CR: Conway Reef (OC-112)                           1411
TBA              3Y0I: Bouvet Island                                   1410
TBA              DX8MAP: Mapun Island (OC-105)                         1396
TBA              DX8TT: Tawi Tawi (OC-174)                             1396
TBA              T31T: Central Kiribati (OC-043)                       1411
TBA              VK6BP/p: Cockatoo Island (OC-071)                     1411

16 June 2018                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1415

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4K     - David DL7ZM, Boris 4K4K and others will be active as 4K6/DL7ZM from
         the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory (1500m asl, grid LN40hs)  on
         1-10 July.  They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 6 metres only. QSL
         direct to AD0PY. [TNX NG3K]
6W     - Dominic, ON4AZP will be active as 6W/ON4AZP  from Senegal  from  26
         June to 5 July.  He will operate SSB on  40, 20, 15 and 10  metres.
         QSL via home call. [TNX DX World]
8Q     - Daniel, SM0UDH will be  active  holiday style  as  8Q7DT  from  the
         Maldives (AS-013) from  24 June to 9 July . He will operate SSB and
         digital modes (JT9, JT65, FT8) on the HF bands.  QSL via LoTW, eQSL
         or via home call. He will upload his log to Club Log.
CP     - Once again Antonio, EA5RM will be  working  on  a  non-governmental
         Organization's project in Bolivia between 18 June and  10 July.  In
         his spare time he will operate  SSB and digital modes on  40-10m as
         CP1XRM. QSL via EA5RM and LoTW. [TNX EA5RM]
E6     - The  Quake DXpeditioners  (ZL3AB, ZL3GA, ZL3PAH and ZL4TT)  will be
         active  as  E6Y  from  Niue  (OC-040)  on  6-16 October,  including
         participation  in both legs of  the  Oceania DX Contest.  They will
         operate CW, SSB, RTTY and possibly FT8 on 160-10 metres with up  to
         four stations. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or via ZL3PAH (direct
         or bureau).  See  for  more
         information  and updates;  they will  be using Twitter  (@Niue_E6Y)
         during the DXpedition.
EA8    - Grupo DX Teide's members EA8ARG, EA8CH and EA8DK will be active  as
         EH8FC   (  from   the   lighthouse   at
         Fuencaliente de La Palma (grid IL18bk), Canary Islands (AF-004)  on
         15-17 June. They will operate SSB, FM and  digital modes on the  HF
         bands, 6 and 2 metres. QSL via LoTW and eQSL, or direct  to  EA8NQ.
         [TNX EA8NQ]
EI     - The 15-18 June EJ0DXG operation from Little  Saltee Island (EU-103)
         [425DXN 1412]  has been postponed (new dates TBA)  owing  to  rough
         Seas  preventing the  team  from a safe landing.  Instead, the EIDX
         Group  will  activate  Bere  Island  (EU-121)  this  weekend,  with
         operations beginning on 16 June. This activation is in addition  to
         the already announced 24-26 August activity. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
EX     - A team of twelve Polish  operators  will be  active as  EX0PL  from
         Kyrgyzstan (grid MN92ci) on 1-10 September. They  will  operate CW,
         SSB and digital  modes  on  80-6 metres.  QSL via SP9KAT (direct or
         bureau);  the  log  will  be uploaded  to  Club Log  and LoTW.  See for more information and updates.
F      - The Radio Club Vendeen (F6KUF) will  be active as  TM2GGR  from  21
         June to  5 July.  The  suffix  stands  for  Golden Globe Race,  the
         sailing race that will start from Les Sables-d'Olonne,  France on 1
         July ( to mark the 50th anniversary  of
         Sir  Robin  Knox-Johnston's  historic  world  first  solo  non-stop
         circumnavigation in the Sunday Times  Golden Globe Yacht Race.  QSL
         via F6KUF (bureau) or F5OEV (direct). [TNX Les Nouvelles DX]
HL     - This  year the  6M6M group  will  be  active  from  Yonghung Island
         (AS-105, grid PM37fg) on 16-17 June.  A large  team will operate  a
         high power station on  6 metres CW, SSB and digital modes.  QSL via
I      - Special callsign II1PMM will be active on 16-24 June  to  celebrate
         the 50th anniversary of PMM Costruzioni Elettroniche (today's Narda
         Safety  Test  Solutions),  founded  by  Salvatore  Giulio  Nicolosi
         (I1PMM).  Five operators (I1WSM, IK1HSL, IK1MHJ, IW1RCU and IZ2GAQ)
         will be  QRV  on  80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 metres SSB.  QSL via the
         bureau and eQSL; direct cards to IW1RCU.
I      - Geo, HB9CPS will be active as IA5/HB9CPS from  Elba Island (EU-028)
         on 18-30 June.  He will operate CW on  40-10 metres. [TNX The Daily
OX     - Bo, OZ1DJJ ( will  be
         active  again  as  OX3LX from the main island of Greenland (NA-018)
         on 1-14 July. He might also operate for a few days from  IOTA group
         NA-243. Bo is QRV in his  spare  time, typically  "around lunch and
         after dinner". QSL via OZ0J, Club Log's  OQRS and LoTW.
PY     - PS8ACM, PS8NF, PS8RV,  PT2OP, PU8PSF and PU8RBZ  will be active  as
         ZV8FF from  the  Serra da Capivara National Park  and  UNESCO World
         Heritage, in the  Brazilian State of Piaui, on 20-23 June.  QSL via
         PS8RV (direct or bureau) and eQSL.
T8     - Tatsuko, JJ1BDT will be active  holiday style as  T88YL  from Koror
         (OC-009), Palau on 22-27 June.  She will operate SSB on 40, 18  and
         15 metres - "please speak slowly"  as she is new to  the  HF bands.
         QSL via JR1FKR, direct or bureau.
VK     - Special callsign VI70MI will be active  from mainland  Australia to
         commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the  first
         ANARE base at Macquarie Island in 1948. Look for activity on 160-10
         metres SSB, CW, RTTY and possibly other digital  modes from 12 June
         to 31 August. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS and LoTW.
VK     - Craig, VK5CE has adjusted his plans for his operations from  Cheyne
         Island (OC-193) and Woody Island (OC-170).  The new dates are 15-19
         June for OC-193, and 20-22 June for OC-170.  Further information on

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

DAYTON PHOTO GALLERY ---> The Dayton  Hamvention  2018  Photo  Gallery  (392
pictures) can be  found  at  The  Dayton
Photo  Galleries  contain 5,692 photos  dating back  to 1961.  They are  all
searchable by callsign from the HamGallery homepage. [TNX K8CX]

INTERNATIONAL MUSEUMS WEEKENDS ---> The International Museums Weekends (IMW)
will take place on the weekends of  16-17 and 23-24 June.  Details about the
event, including a list of announced participating stations, can be found at

KH1/KH7Z ---> For photos and  daily news  from  the  Baker Island  team  see  When they  depart, it will  be possibile  to follow  their
progress on
If you want to try and work KH1/KH7Z on FT8,  you  must  upgrade  to  WSJT-X
Version  1.9.1.   Links  to   installation   packages  for  Windows,  Linux,
Macintosh, and Raspbian Jessie are available here:
FT8 DXpedition Mode  should be  used only in  rare-entity  circumstances  in
which  sustained  QSO rates  well  above 100/hour  are expected.  The latest
revision of the "FT8 DXpedition Mode User Guide" can be found here:
(  which  describes  how  the  team
intends  to operate as the 'Fox' and how   they recommend  all  the 'Hounds'

REVERSE BEACON NETWORK & FT8 ---> A  few  weeks  ago, several  prolific  RBN
nodes began spotting  FT8 signals, using  the  combination of WSJT-X and  an
unreleased Aggregator Vversion 5. The purpose of this limited Alpha test was
to get a feel for the load and other implications of carrying  FT8 spots  on
the RBN.  The most  striking  characteristic  of  FT8  spots is their  sheer
quantity, and it seems obvious that adding FT8 spots to the spot flow  could
have a huge impact on the infrastructure of the RBN.  "We frankly don't know
whether the RBN servers will be up to the task",  the RBN Team says,  "so we
decided we had better  find out before the  fall contest season is upon us".
Effective immediately, and on a Beta test basis, the RBN's current spot feed
( port 7000)  will handle  only CW and  RTTY  spots,
while port 7001 will be  set up for FT8 spots only.
See    for    more

VP6D ---> "The Ducie Island 2018 project is on schedule",  the team reported
on 14 June. Teenage DXer Mason Matrazzo, KM4SII  has joined the  Pilot Team,
and  will assist the Chief and NA Pilot (KE4KY).
"Our current  fundraising campaign is underway; you may see the progress  at
our website. We appreciate the donations and equipment support we've already
received. Our final payment for the 'Braveheart' is due on 1 September". The
team members have booked - and paid  from personal funds - their  travel  to
meet  the  ship  at Mangareva  (French Polynesia).  "Financial  transparency
allows  the  major sponsors to better understand the costs associated with a
DXpedition and  how  we  spend  their money.  Consistent with  our  previous
DXpeditions, we will  send club  and  foundation sponsors a  VP6D  financial
summary. We need your help to keep our DXpedition team's personal investment
to a reasonable level".  Please  visit  and  consider
making a donation. [TNX K5GS]

+ SILENT KEY + Shozo Hara, JA1AN passed  away  on 9 June.  Born in 1926  and
first  licensed  in 1952,  he served  as  the  Japan Amateur Radio  League's
president  for 41 years  (1970-2011).  He was inducted  into the  CQ Amateur
Radio Hall of Fame in  2003 ("helped guide  development of amateur radio  in
Japan, which  has more  licensed amateurs than  any other  country"  was the


QSLs received direct  or  through managers: 3C0W, 3C3W,3D2EU, 4S7BHG,  5C5AF
(AF-065), 5N3WQK, 7Q7EI, 8J60JARE, 9M0W, A52YL, C6AGU, D68I, FS/KH8Z, GR9RW,
J28PJ,  J88PI,  N1YC/VK9X,  OY9JD,  PJ8RV,  PJ8Z,  PU0FDN,  RL5G/0 (AS-066),
TI5/N3KS, TJ2TT, VA7XW/VE2 (NA-038), VE7ACN/VE2 (NA-084), VK5MAV/9 (OC-265),
VU4G, XF1IM (NA-078), XR0YD, YJ0AG, Z60A, Z61DX, Z61KR, Z66D.


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (   
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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