Tuesday, March 19, 2019

3Y0I Has Begun

This from the 3Y0I website:

The 3YØI Bouvet Island Expedition has officially begun. The MV Atlantic Tuna, with the Team aboard, departed for Bouvet Island on March 19, 2019, at approx. 6:00 UTC.
If everything goes well, we should reach Bouvet in 7 days around March 26. Landing on the Island will be strictly dependent on weather conditions met upon arrival. ***Estimated*** launch date of 3YØI on the air might be about last days or March. This information may be subject to change (sea and weather conditions – safety first!)
The Team plans to stay at the island at least for 2 weeks, with an option to extend the stay to 3-4 weeks, if weather and other factors permit.
We will sign as E51DOM/mm on way to and back from the island.
You may track our vessel at:
Stay tuned for further updates and cross fingers for us. History has begun!
PS. NOTE: the Team will NOT monitor DX clusters nor personal email boxes during the DXpedition.