Monday, March 11, 2019

Reunion Island

Croatian operators from the Radio Club Marjan (9A1CBM) and Radioclub Kastilac (9A1CIG) will use the special callsign, TO19A, between April 27th and May 8th.
Operators mentioned are Tom/9A2AA, Livio/ 9A7Y, Mladen/9A2NA, Ante/9A8RA, Jerko/9A3EME, Jakša/9A3CJW and Rolando/ 9A3MR.
Activity will be on various HF bands, but with a focus on the low bands. Individual trips to the mountain peaks on the island are also planned and SOTA references are actively involved. As the expedition is located in the national park area, the connection will be valid for the WFF reference FFF-0011.
The QSL Manager will be Tom, 9A2AA.