Saturday, August 10, 2019

Around The DX World

Operation Market Garden special event

Look for special event station PA75OMG to be active between September 12-22st.
Activity is to commemorate and celebrate the anniversary of freedom.
As part of Operation Market Garden (OMG) in World War II, paratroopers of the allied forces, such as American, British, Canadian, Polish and Dutch troops, landed in the Nijmegen region on Sep tember the 17th, 1944, and the region would soon be liberated after four years of German occupation.
During the 10 days of activity, they will try to work as many amateur radio operators across the world as possible.
QSL via the infon on For more details and pictures, see:

Liberian DXpedition dates confirmed

The Italian DXpedition Team will be active from Liberia between September 28th and October 11th.
They plan to use two callsigns: A82X for CW, SSB and RTTY; A82Z for FT8 only.
The 11 operators mentioned are Silvano/I2YSB, Vinicio/IK2CIO, Angelo/IK2CKR, Marcello/IK2DIA, Stefano/IK2HKT, Alfeo/I1HJT, Franco/I1FQH, Tony/I2PJA, Gino/IK2RZP, Alberto/IZ2XAF and Mac/JA3USA.
Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8.
Suggested frequencies are:
CW - 1826, 3530, 7025, 10115, 14030, 18068, 21030, 24890 and 28030 kHz
SSB - 3775, 7090, 14240, 18130, 21310, 24950 and 28470 kHz
RTTY - 14084 kHz
FT8 - 1843, 3585, 7056, 10131, 14080, 18095, 21091, 24911 and 28091 kHz
For JA STATIONS ONLY -- FT8 on 160m use normal mode; TX frq 1845 kHz and RX frq is 1908 kHz
They are planning to use 5 stations with maximum flexibility.
QSL via OQRS ( QSL via I2YSB direct only or LoTW after the operation. They will also be using a "Real-Time Online Logging" (internet permitting), including their FT8 activity as A82Z.
For more details, updates, and a survey on bands/needs, see: