Thursday, August 22, 2019

Greenland Ops

Greenland operation

Operators Thomas/OZ1AA, Bo/OZ1DJJ, Dave/OZ5DM, Mikkel/OZ7AKT, Alex/OZ7AM and possibly others will be active as OX7A from Kangerlussuaq during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 26-27th). Operation class TBD.
QSL via OZ1ACB, ClubLog or LoTW.

There will be activity on all bands and modes (including FT8) prior to and after the contest, but with operators using their own personal callsigns (OX3LX, OX3LG, OX5DM, OX7AKT and OX7AM).

There will be an emphasis on the low bands and 60/30/17/12 meters.

Most operators will be in Greenland between October 22nd and November 1st.