Monday, March 16, 2020


Midway Island update

Ron, KH6DV, posted on March 14th, the following on
"We all know that one of the easiest ways to catch a respiratory infection is to travel by airline, visit a hospital or clinic waiting room, or pass through an airport.
Expedition operators aren't going to want to travel while this pandemic is active, then get on a boat with cramped quarters and undertake a 6+ day voyage with others who have also traveled.
I've been looking for Coronavirus forecasts, and have finally found what
looks like a reliable one. An expert who has accurately predicted other
pandemic time-lines stated on February 11th that the Coronavirus would burn itself out in 6 months. He didn't state if that was 6 months from discovery or 6 months from the date of his statement.
Using 6 months from the date of his statement, travel should be safe by the end of the first week in August. We are assuming that, because travel for our expedition will be almost two months later, THE EXPEDITION WILL BE UNAFFECTED."