Monday, December 20, 2021





The history of the Western New York DX Association January club operating contests extends back to the initial days of the club in 1986.  At the time they were open to all authorized modes (primarily CW and SSB).  The rules established in 2018 for the January  contests allow for any mode with no restrictions on antennas.   The allowed power level alternates between "high power" and "low power" from year to year. For 2022 it will be "high power (maximum legal power).  [In 2023 it will be "low power" (100W).]


Since their introduction in 2017, a variety of computer-enabled digital modes (such as FT-8 and FT-4) have had an immense impact on HF activities.  Developed initially for VHF EME activities and based upon complex computer controlled encoding and decoding contacts can be completed with signal levels more than 24 dB below the noise level.   Introduced to HF near the bottom of the sunspot propagation cycle, these modes have become very popular, in spite of the extreme limitations on the exchange content.


Because of the large inequities between these new computer controlled codes and the "legacy" modes it has been suggested that the "legacy" events be restricted to using "legacy" modes and a new event and award be established for these new modes. 



DX-100 Contest  -  "Broken Filament" Trophy

The  DX-100 Contest is the oldest WNYDXA operating event, established in 1986.  The "Broken Filament" trophy is awarded for the first member to work 100 entities from the ARRL DXCC list starting at 0000z on January 1.    (Since that's 1900 EST on Dec 31st, you can get started and still not miss the ball drop on TV.)  This contest is open to the so-called "legacy" modes (CW, SSB, AM, RTTY, SSTV, etc.)


QSL verification (cards, LoTW, or whatever) is NOT required!  You don't even need to submit  a log list!  Just email or call the Secretary with the callsign, date, and time when you worked entity number 100.  (You might want to mention a few of the more notable entities just to make the rest of us a little jealous!! )


January Cumulative  Contest -  "Ice Breaker" Trophy 

The second club event is  the "January Ice Breaker" DX contest, which was established in 2014. This continues the DX hunt thru the end of the month.  The award is for the member who works the most entities from 0000z January 1 (1900 EST Dec 31st) thru 2359z (1900 EST) January 31st.   If you had a slow start at the beginning of the month you still have the opportunity to catch up in the latter portion!  This contest is open to the so-called "legacy" modes (CW, SSB, AM, RTTY, SSTV, etc.)


QSL verification (cards, LoTW, or whatever) is NOT required!  At the end of January just email or call the Secretary with the number of entities you worked.  Include the callsign, date, and time of the contact with the last entity.  In the unlikely event that two people work the same number of entities during the month, the person with the earliest date/time for the final Q will be the winner.





January Weak Signal Modes Cumulative Contest - "Worked 'Em but Couldn't Hear 'Em" Trophy


The "Worker 'Em but Couldn't Hear 'Em" award is for the member who works the most entities from 0000z January 1 (1900 EST Dec 31st) thru 2359z (1900 EST) January 31st using computerized modes such as  FT-8, FT-4, JT-65, etc.   (As new, similar, modes are introduced they will be included.)  Most activity on FT-8/FT-4 modes uses the WSJT-x software.  The program maintains its own logs facilitating the separation of contacts using these modes from "legacy" mode contacts. 


QSL verification (cards, LoTW, or whatever) is NOT required!  At the end of January just email or call the Secretary with the number of entities you worked. Include the callsign, date, and time of the contact with the last entity.  In the unlikely event that two people work the same number of entities during the month, the person with the earliest date/time for the final Q will be the winner.