Tuesday, November 6, 2012

DX NEWS From 425

3A MONACO - Look for Max, 3A/ON5UR and Marc, 3A/ON8AK to be active from Monaco on 9-17 November. They will operate SSB only on 80-10 metres. QSL
via M0URX. [TNX DX World]

5X UGANDA - Once again Nick, G3RWF will be QRV (hopefully also on 160 and 6
meters) as 5X1NH from Uganda starting on 6 November for five weeks. He prefers CW, with some activity on SSB and digital modes. QSL via home call, direct and bureau, and LoTW.

A5 BHUTAN - Zorro, JH1AJT will be active as A5A from Bhutan on 8-15 November. He will be QRV in his spare time on 40-10 meters. QSL via home
call, direct or bureau. [TNX JA1TRC]

CY0 SABLE IS.- Al, VE1AWW is going back to Sable Island (NA-063), and expects to remain there and be QRV in his spare time as CY0/homecall until
late December. He apologizes for "the great delay in QSL replies":
he plans to "sort through the backlog" while on the island, and
mail those cards on his return to the mainland. He prefers new
requests come by the bureau.

EL LIBERIA - The VooDoo Contest Group will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest as EL2A (Multi-Multi) from Liberia. QSL via G3SXW. Outside the
contest, possibly between 17 and 27 November, the team will
operate with their personal callsigns: AA7A as EL2ES, G3SXW as
EL2A, G4BWP as EL2WP, G4IRN as EL2RN, KC7V as EL2MF, KY7M as EL2LF
and N7CW as EL2WS. QSL EL2WP via G5LP, others via home call. Logs
will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log (with OQRS) as soon as
possible. [TNX G3SXW]

- The Ethiopian Amateur Radio Club, ET3AA (http://et3aa.com/), is commemorating their mentor, Sid T. May (ET3SID), who passed away
in late September. Activity started on 29 October and will go on
until they make 10,000 QSOs. The QSL manager for this event is

PY0S ST PETER & PAUL ROCKS- The PT0S DXpedition [425DXN 1109] team members (AA7JV, HA7RY, PP5XX and PY2XB) are on schedule to leave the city of Natal on 5 November, and to arrive at St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks on the 9th.
It will then take one day to set up. There will be a dedicated
station operating on 160 metres from sunset to sunrise, while a
second station will be on 80 and 40 metres at night. During the
day there will be two stations on the higher bands - and 6 metres
- depending on conditions. RTTY will also be supported. QSL via
HA7RY (OQRS for direct and bureau cards will be available on the
website) and LoTW (the logs will be uploaded "generally within 36
hours of the QSO taking place"). For further information and
regular updates please visit http://pt0s.com/

S7 SEYCHELLES  - Hardy, DL8NU will be active as S79NU from Mahe (AF-024),
Seychelles on 9-24 November. He will operate mainly CW. QSL via
home call.

V8 BRUNEI - Announced frequencies for the 11-23 November V84SMD activity from Brunei [425DXN 1100] are:

CW 1826.5 3505 7005 10105 14025 18075 21025 24895 28025 50101

SSB 1840 3799 7080 - 14200 18145 21295 24950 28470 50130

RTTY - 3600 7040 10140 14085 18100 21080 24930 28085

A team of 23 operators will be active with seven
stations from two different sites. QSL via IK2VUC. Further
information, including QSL-ing policy and log-search, can be found
at http://www.mdxc.org/v84smd