Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mysterious Chinese Signals

Wolf, DK2OM, Coordinator IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS) Region 1 reports on strange Chinese signals in the amateur radio bands.

Since Oct. 25 we are suffering from mysterious Chinese signals on 7000, 14000, 21000 and 21010 kHz. At first the A3E signals were sounding like grunt or moo. Now we are receiving very strong multitone signals with a carrier and both sidebands every morning.
The signals are also audible on 15000 (disturbing the time signal from RWM Moscow), 18000, 19000 and 20000 kHz. The purpose is unknown, perhaps a special kind of encrypted broadcast or a new generation of OTH radar?

Please inform your national PTTs for official complaints! I informed the German PTT this morning. Many thanks to HB9CET for excellent observations and support!

For further details visit our external homepage:
and look under "Latest Intruder News".
There you can find links to my recordings.

Wolf also reports that a taxi company in the Russian Federation is transmitting FM on 21404.2 kHz daily and all day. He says you can often hear a female voice organizing the business. Please use this frequency for amateur traffic daily.

Please log your reports of Amateur Band intruders online at

Monitor the short wave bands on-line with a web based SDR receiver at

IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS)