Tuesday, November 6, 2012


From the DX-World.net web site:

DX World.net has learned that up to 45% of [recently] uploaded logs and delivered awards / DXCC certificates have been lost due to corrupted database / backups. It’s currently unknown if the missing data can be retrieved.

As can be seen from the latest message on the ARRL LoTW homepage, the Logbook team is currently investigating the issue.

Earlier, users were seeing this particular message as they tried to log-in:

Fatal error: initializeLOTWDB: -709 – CONNECT: (cannot connect to server socket): General database error [initializeLOTWDB: -709 – CONNECT: (cannot connect to server socket)

More details as we get them. Hopefully problems can be resolved.

ED: I tried to access LOTW and received a similiar error on 11/06