Monday, July 23, 2018

Thailand 3rd largest ham radio nation

Now if we only had propagation!

As of February 2018, Thailand had the third highest number of licensed radio amateurs in the world with a total of 101,763

Totals by license class:
• 100,800 Novice (100 watts 28 MHz, 60 W 144 MHz)
• 703 Intermediate (200 watts all bands)
• 260 Advanced (1 kW)

Thailand has a population of about 68 million and although the total of 101,763 amateurs looks good it actually represents a steep fall from the total of 247,676 achieved in May 2012.

It is only recently that Thai amateurs have been able to sit exams for the Intermediate and Advanced licenses

RAST report for IARU Region 3 Conference

TNX Southgate