Monday, July 23, 2018


This from Pete, MM0TWX

Make this a habit: you switch on your rig, you log in on the TBDXC Chatroom.
The new Chatroom on the TBDXC website has been created as the meeting place for all members who want to coordinate their activities on HF, announce their presence on air, or simply have a chat with fellow members if radio conditions are too bad.

The new Chatroom is available at:

Please make sure that the browser window you use is maximised (for some reason the app doesn't work otherwise).

Also, please login as "guest" using your own callsign in capital letters.

Finally, remember that the way to keep our beloved hobby alive is TO MAKE QSOs! Every day, turn on your rig, get on the air, call CQ, as if you were protecting an endangered animal species you particularly care about. And, in doing so, rediscover the pleasure of communicating with your fellow HAMs - the very pleasure that attracted you to Ham Radio in the first place. It is still there, I promise!

See you on air, and on the Chatroom.

73 TB Pete MM0TWX
TBDXC Founder and COO

PS: Stay tuned! TBDXC Awards to be announced soon!

I for one, do not find much allure to the digital and automatic modes....I was on 20 CW the other day and worked a few stations...Seems the bands are open despite the lousy propagation conditions. It was nice to actually work someone and not their computer...If your feeling are similar check out True Blue DXers Club!