Friday, November 29, 2019

ARRL DX NEWS 28 Nov 2019

DX News from the ARRL

November 28, 2019

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by CE2ML, W3UR, The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

SRI LANKA, 4S. Bernhard, DK7TF is QRV as 4S7DLG from Ambalangoda, IOTA AS-003. Activity is on the HF bands using mainly SSB and FT8. His length of stay is unknown. QSL via M0OXO.

MALAWI, 7Q. Karl, DK2WV is QRV as 7Q7W from Lilongwe for about three weeks. Activity is on 40 to 6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL to home call.

ZAMBIA, 9J. Mario, IK1MYT is active as 9J2MYT from Lusaka until May 2020. He is QRV on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. QSL direct to IZ3KVD.

WEST MALAYSIA, 9M2. Rich, PA0RRS will be QRV as 9M2MRS from Penang Island, IOTA AS-015, from December 3 to February 27, 2020. Activity is on the HF bands using CW and various digital modes. QSL to home call.

THE GAMBIA, C5. Paul, SA6PIS is QRV as C56PIS until December 13.
Activity is holiday style. QSL to home call. In addition, Andre, ON7YK is QRV as C5YK from Bijilo until early March 2020. Activity is on 60 to 10 meters using some CW, SSB and various digital modes, especially FT8. QSL to home call.

CHILE, CE. Special event call XR2YOTA is QRV during all of December to commemorate Youngsters On The Air month. QSL via LoTW.

SPAIN, EA. Members of the Mike Delta Victor DX Group will be QRV with special call sign EG3PCD from December 2 to 5 during United Nations' International Day of Persons with Disabilities. QSL via LoTW.

ECUADOR, HC. Antonio, EA5RM plans to be QRV as HC3/EA5RM from Loja and possibly also as HC2/EA5RM from Guayaquil from December 2 to January 5, 2020. Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters using SSB and various digital modes. QSL to home call.

ITALY, I. Members of the ARI section Fidenza will be QRV with special call sign II4TIB during December to commemorate Ugo Tiberio, one of Italy's pioneers in the history of radio. QSL via IQ4FE.

US VIRGIN ISLAND, KP2. Ryan, KC7RW is QRV as KP2/KC7RW until November 30. Activity is on 40 to 15 meters using SSB, FT8 and FT4 as conditions permits. QSL to home call.

BULGARIA, LZ. Members of the Bulgarian Radio Club Blagovestnik will be QRV as special event call sign LZ4408SPA during December to honor the memory of Bulgarian saints. QSL via bureau.

PERU, OA. Special event station OC3CS will be QRV from the archaeological site Cerro Sechin on November 29 and 30. Activity will be on the HF bands using SSB and various digital modes. QSL via OA4O.

SOMALIA, T5. Ali, EP3CQ will be QRV as 6O1OO from December 4 to 19.
QSL to home call.

EUROPEAN RUSSIA, UA. Members of the International Miller DX Club are QRV as R2019DX and UE29DX until December 1 to celebrate the club's 29th anniversary. QSL via RQ7L.

MICRONESIA, V6. Haru, JA1XGI will be QRV as V6K from Kosrae, IOTA OC-059, from December 2 to 9. This includes being an entry in the upcoming ARRL 160 Meter contest. QSL to home call.

TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS, VP5. Gerald, WA2TTI will be QRV as VP5/WA2TTI from Turtle Cove, Providenciales Island, IOTA NA-002, from December 2 to 7. Activity will be holiday style. QSL direct to home call.
NDIA, VU. Datta, VU2DSI is QRV as AU2JCB until December 16 to commemorate the birthdate of Indian physicist and radio pioneer Jagadish Chandra Bose. Activity is on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. QSL direct to home call.

BURKINA FASO, XT. Harald, DF2WO will be QRV as XT2AW from Ouagadougou from December 2 to 20. Activity will be on the HF bands with a focus on 160, 80 and 60 meters and also on various satellites. QSL via M0OXO.

MYANMAR, XZ. Martti, OH2BH is QRV as XZ2D until April 17, 2020. Activity is generally on 15 and 10 meters. QSL to home call.

The NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint and the Russian Worldwide MultiMode Contest are on tap for this upcoming weekend.
The ARS Spartan CW Sprint is scheduled for December 3.
The Canadian National Parks on the Air, CNPOTA, operating event runs for the entire year of 2019, with special stations active from Canada's parks and historic sites.
Please see November QST, page 89, December QST, page 63, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details