Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Drake 2B Project

My favorite receivers have always been the Drakes. Here is a nice 2B that was in nice shape when we started on it but as usual we changed the caps (from Hayseed Hamfest), cleaned it up, changed tubes and it is working wonderfully. I had one nagging problem with it...20 meters was dead...I mean DEAD! 40 and 80 were perfect. We trouble shot it with the help of our friend K2LNU Bill...but no joy...everything seemed fine, traced the circuit through the bandswitch and yet no Joy!...Frustrated I decided to order a new crystal for 20 meters. What else could it be??
I contacted Bry Carling AF4k and ordered a crytal. What wonderful service from Bry...If you need any crystals...He is the guy to go to...Fast curteous service. Find him at AF4K.

Here re the photos...

Undocumented Audio Mod removed

Caps all changed now sounding GREAT!

Stay Tuned for our next project Restoring a Johnson Ranger II