Friday, February 15, 2013

NODXA adds a condition to their donation/funding policy

Members of the Northern Ohio DX Association, during their February meeting, voted (after a lengthy discussion) to follow the 'International DX Association's' (INDEXA) example/guideline by adding a condition that must be met by DXpeditions when requesting financial help.
As of February 1st, all DXpeditions requesting funds from NODXA will now be sent the following question/statement before the release of any
"Members of NODXA believes that funds contributed to a DXpedition should be used only for that purpose. If there is a surplus of funds after a DXpedition is completed, a refund should be made, using some logical approach, to help offset the personal expenses incurred by individual
team members and/or returned to the major sponsors. NODXA is not concerned how the refunds are made, but does believe that any excess
funds should not be held by the organizers for other purposes or projects. Do you agree? Yes or No"
(Thanks Southgate)

ED Note:
After some of the recent cancellations of operations this is a good policy!