Friday, August 24, 2018

425 DX Group Info 24 August 2018

25 August 2018                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1425

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B8    - Hans, PA3HGT will  be active again  as  3B8/PA3HGT  from  Mauritius
         (AF-049) on 4-24 September.  He will operate SSB and possibly  some
         digital mode on 40, 20 and 10 metres.  QSL via home call, direct or
         bureau. [TNX DX World]
7Q     - Alex, IW5ELA will operate mainly CW as 7Q7ELA  on  17-26 September.
         It will be a  "suitcase operation"  while touring Malawi.  All QSOs
         will be confirmed automatically via  the bureau.  Logsearch on Club
CE     - XR208A, XR208B, XR208C and XR208D are the special callsigns for the
         Discolo DX Group ( to celebrate the 208th
         anniversary  of  the  First  Government  Junta.  Established  on 18
         September 1810, it proclaimed Chile an autonomous  republic  within
         the Spanish  monarchy, and w as  the earliest  step in the  Chilean
         struggle for independence. They will operate SSB, PSK31 and FT8  on
         the HF  bands  on  1-30  September.  All  QSOs  will  be  confirmed
         automatically via the bureau.
EA9    - Haru, JA1XGI will be active  as  EA9/W1XGI from  Melilla  on  16-22
         October. He will operate mainly CW and FT8 on various HF bands. QSL
         via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW or via JA1XGI. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
F      - Philippe, F5PTA  will  be  active  as  TM70ONU  from  Lyon (France)
         between 1 September  and  27 December.  The special  callsign is in
         celebration of the 70th anniversary of  the  United Nations General
         Assembly's adoption and proclamation of  the  Universal Declaration
         of Human Rights (10 December 1948). QSL via eQSL only.
FG     - Laci, HA0NAR will be active  as  FG/HG0R  from  Guadeloupe (NA-102)
         from 27 August to 7 September. He will operate CW, SSB and RTTY  on
         160-6 metres.  QSL via Club Log's  OQRS  or via home call.  [TNX DX
HB0    - Look for  Tina, HB0/DL5YL  and  Fred, HB0/DL5YM  to be active  once
         again from Masescha, Liechtenstein from  20 September to 6 October.
         They will operate CW, some SSB  and  RTTY during the  CQ WW DX RTTY
         Contest. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX DX Newsletter]
JD1_mt - Take, JG8NQJ/JD1 has been on  Minami Torishima [425DXN 1403]  since
         17 May,  and  will  remain  there  until  6  September (later  than
         expected). In his spare time  he  operates CW on 17  and 15 metres.
         QSL via JA8CJY [(direct) or via JG8NQJ (bureau).
JW     - Torsten, DL4APJ  (digital modes and SSB) and  Peter, DJ2AX  (CW and
         SSB) will be active as JW/DL4APJ and JW/DJ2AX  from  the  JW5E club
         station in Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard on 20-25 September.  QSL
         via home calls. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
KH2    - After atteding this weekend's JARL Ham Fair in Tokyo,  Martti OH2BH
         will  be  active as AH3D/KH2 from Guam (OC-026) from 28 August to 3
         September. He plans to participate in the All Asian DX Contest with
         "another slick contest call" to be announced.  QSL via OH2BH.  [TNX
OZ     - Maarten  PD2R (OV2T),  Jan PA7JWC  (5Q7DX),  Wino PA0ABM  and  Sven
         PA1SVM  will  be  active  from  Vendsyssel-Thy  (EU-171)  on  14-21
         September.  They will operate SSB and CW  on 40-6 metres  with  two
         stations.   QSL  5Q7DX v ia  PA7JWC  (bureau  preferred)  or  LOTW;
         logsearch on Club Log.  QSL OV2T via PA0ABM or LoTW;  logsearch and
         OQRS on Club Log.
SV5    - Claudio, HB9OAU will be active again as SV5/HB9OAU from  Karpathos,
         Dodecanese (EU-001) on 8-20 September. He will operate SSB and  FT8
         on  80-10 metres.  QSL via home call (direct or bureau),  LoTW  and
         eQSL; logsearch on Club Log. [TNX DX World]
TA     - Ankara  Youth Contest Team's  members  Golkem, TA7AZC  and  Furkan,
         TA7AOF will be active  as TC2F  between  29 August and 4 September,
         Including  participation  in  the  All Asian  DX SSB  Contest  (1-2
         September). QSL via LoTW, direct or by the bureau. [TNX NG3K]
TT     - Ken, LA7GIA will be active as  TT8KO  from N'Djamena, Chad  on 9-21
         October.  He will operate CW and  maybe some SSB on  160-10 metres.
         More information is expected in due course.
VK     - 22 September 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the first wireless
         transmission  between  Australia and  the United Kingdom.  Messages
         were transmitted from the Marconi  station at Waunfawr (Wales)  and
         were received by Ernest Fisk at Wahroonga (Sydney).  As part of the
         Centenary  celebrations, the  Wireless Institute of Australia  will
         hold an on-air event  that  will run  on 1-30 September.  State and
         Territory special callsigns VI#MARCONI  will be active on a  roster
         basis.  In addition, the  Hornsby and Districts  Amateur Radio Club
         will be active as VK100MARCONI.  Complete information  can be found
W      - Organized by the Citrus Belt ARC, the  19th  annual Route 66 On The
         Air special event celebrates the historic US Highway 66. Twenty-one
         amateur radio stations using  1x1  callsigns (from W6A through W6U)
         will operate from cities along the "Mother Road" on 8-16 September.
         See  for  information  about  the event  and  QSL
ZA     - A large team of operators from  Albania, Austria and Slovenia  will
         be active as ZA5V from Lake Shkodra (JN92rd) on 1-12 October.  They
         will be QRV  on  6 and 2 metres EME,  as well on  80-10 metres "all
         modes". QSL via OE6FNG.
ZL7    - Shige JH1GNU, Kaz JH1HRJ and  Tack JE1SCJ will  be  active as  ZL7X
         from  the  Chatham Islands (OC-038)  on  16-22 October.  They  will
         operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 160-10 metres. Announced frequencies for
         "Fox & Hound" FT8 are 3563, 7060, 10140, 14095, 18105, 21095, 24920
         and 28095 kHz. More information on QSL
         via LoTW and eQSL; traditional cards via  JA0VSH, direct or bureau.
         Logsearch on Club Log.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

4U1UN ---> On 22 August Adrian, KO8SCA completed  the  installation  of  the
antenna on the roof of the  United Nations HQ building in New York City.  He
was able "to put 4U1UN on the air from the  41st floor  to run some tests at
the  barefoot levels.  He managed to work  about 50 stations  on  14.240 MHz
between about 1615Z and 1645Z. In the future he hopes to be able to get  the
amplifier online and remote  the station  down to the third floor.  This new
location  will  make it easier  for guest operators  to activate  the  4U1UN
station". QSL via LoTW, or via HB9BOU (direct or bureau). [TNX The Daily DX]

RI0B ---> Along all the way from Arkhangelsk  to  Cape Chelyuskin  and back,
the RI0B team will be signing RT9K/mm while  sailing  on the yacht  "Apostol
Andrey" (whose worldwide-famous skipper, Nikolay Litau, is  an amateur radio
operator himself,  R3CN).  Three operators  (UA9KDF, UA9LDD and UA1QV)  will
leave Arkhangelsk  on  25-26 August.  They will  meet  the rest  of the team
(RW0BG and UA0BA) at Dikson on 5 September, and then proceed immediately  to
the Firnley Islands (AS-054).  On their way back they will  stop and be  QRV
from other five IOTA groups: AS-121,  AS-104,  AS-068,  AS-087  and  AS-005.
Owing to  the  long route and  unpredicatble  weather conditions,  it is not
possible to announce  the actual  dates of island activity.  Read the latest
news on  as well as  the DXpedition's diary

YASME ---> The Yasme Foundation  ( has  announced  the
election of Marty Woll, N6VI as the newest Foundation Director. The Board of
Directors now includes N0AX (President),  K4ZW (Vice-President  and  Interim
Secretary),   W6OAT  (Treasurer),  PB2T,   OH2BH,  K3ZO,   W6RGG  and   N6VI
(Directors).  The Yasme Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation organized
to support  scientific  and educational  projects related  to amateur radio,
including DXing  and  the  introduction  and  promotion of amateur radio  in
developing countries.

+ SILENT KEYS + Marek Bobowski, SP8CUW died tragically  of electrocution  on
18 August, while working on  his  contest station.  He was the driving force
behind the SN8B Contest Team,  and a team member of SN0HQ.  Also reported SK
is  Witold "Wit" Marchewka, SP6WM  who  passed away on  21 August.  Licenced
since 1952, he was  "a mentor and one of  the  pioneers of amateur radio  in
Lower Silesia", SQ6IYV says.


QSLs received  direct  or through managers: 3C0W, 3C3W,3G9JA, 4B4B (NA-030),
5C5AF (AF-065),  9A1WFF  (EU-136),  9A90P  (EU-090),  9X9PJ,  C8X  (AF-061),
CP9/DF7NX, CR3DX, DK80FOC, DU1IST, E51AND, EJ7NET,  FJ/W9DR,  H40D (OC-179),
H44R (OC-168), H44R/p (OC-158),  JD1BMH (AS-031), JY4CI,  KL7RRC/p (NA-234),
TK5AE, TK5MH, UK8FF, VE1FA/KL (NA-121),  VE8TA, VK5CE/6, VK5CE/p, VK9X/PE7T,
VO1SIX, VP9KF,  VY0ERC (NA-008), XP3A, YB8BMW/p (OC-242),  YB8HZ/p (OC-242),
Z68M, ZS9Z, ZZ18FWC.


25 August 2018                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1425
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till  25/08      K4G: St George Island (NA-085)                        1423
till  25/08      OE18BALLON: special callsign                          1423
till  25/08      OJ0C: Market Reef (EU-053)                            1417
till  25/08      V47FWX: St Kitts (NA-104)                             1423
till  26/08      EJ0DXG: Bere Island (EU-121)                          1412
till  26/08      OE23HABC: special callsign                            1423
till  26/08      RT65KI: Idlidlya Island (AS-065)                      1421
till  26/08      Z6/IZ5YHD: Kosovo                                     1423
till  27/08      OX/W0GPR: Greenland (NA-018)                          1422
till  27/08      Z68HZ: Kosovo                                         1423
till  29/08      OX3LX: Uummannaq Island (NA-134)                      1422
till  29/08      XT2BR: Burkina Faso                                   1424
till  30/08      A35JLL: Tonga (Vava'u group, OC-064)                  1421
till  31/08      CY1R: Newfoundland (NA-027)                           1422
till  31/08      LZ1146SPS: special callsign                           1392
till  31/08      VI50IARU3: special callsign                           1410
till  31/08      VI70MI: Australia                                     1415
till  01/09      9M61MA, 9M61MB, 9M61MC, 9M61MD: West Malaysia         1421
till  01/09      9M61MJ, 9M61MK, 9M61MM, 9M61MN: West Malaysia         1421
till  01/09      9M61MP, 9M61MR, 9M61MT, 9M61MW, 9M61MY: West Malaysia 1421
till  01/09      9M61MQ and 9M61MS: East Malaysia                      1421
till  01/09      ER/IK1HGE: Moldova                                    1424
till  04/09      TM100HAB: special callsign (France)                   1424
till  06/09      JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                 1425
till  10/09      TK/DJ0TP: Corsica (EU-014)                            1422
till  15/09      4W6VA: Timor Leste (OC-148)                           1419
till  20/09      GB250CC: special callsign (England)                   1423
till  30/09      EI0DXG: Ireland (EU-115)                              1412
till  20/10      9A6DR/p: Kolocep Island (EU-016)                      1423
till  20/10      IB2RT: special callsign                               1403
till  31/10      BV50IARU: special callsign                            1414
till  31/10      HL50IARU: special callsign                            1410
till  31/10      HS50IARU: special callsign                            1414
till  31/10      OL100CSR: special event callsign                      1424
till  31/10      OM100CSR: special event callsign                      1424
till  13/11      OE100: special prefix                                 1401
till  31/12      4K100W: special callsign                              1400
till  31/12      5W20SAMOA: special callsign (Samoa, OC-097)           1392
till  31/12      9A36W and 9A61AA: special callsigns                   1391
till  31/12      DA200FWR: special callsign                            1391
till  31/12      DJ70WAE: special callsign                             1391
till  31/12      DK200MARX: special callsign                           1391
till  31/12      EI100MCV: special callsign                            1391
till  31/12      II2RR: special callsign                               1398
till  31/12      IR0FOC: special callsign (Sardinia)                   1394
till  31/12      LM90C, LM90HQ, LM90NRRL: special callsigns            1393
till  31/12      S590RTVS: special callsign                            1407
till  31/12      SU9JT: Egypt                                          1399
till  31/12      YT100SF and YU100WWI: special callsigns               1399
till  31/03 2019 GB100RAF: special callsign                            1404
till  March 2019 RI1ANL: Novolazarevskaya Station, Antarctica          1421
till  March 2019 RI1ANW: Novolazarevskaya Station, Antarctica          1421
till  March 2019 VK0AI: Macquarie Island (AN-005)                      1406
25/08-26/08      C4II: Agios Georgios Island (AS-120), Cyprus          1423
25/08-31/08      TM64YL: Noirmoutier Island (EU-064)                   1423
26/08-29/08      CE0Y/NP4G: Easter Island (SA-001)                     1424
27/08-31/08      Z3/IZ5YHD: Macedonia                                  1423
27/08-06/09      SV8/F6HMJ: Ios Island (EU-067)                        1423
27/08-07/09      FG/HG0R: Guadeloupe (NA-102)                          1425
28/08-03/09      AH3D/KH2: Guam (OC-026)                               1425
29/08-04/09      TC2F: Turkey                                          1425
31/08-03/09      T88PB: Koror (OC-009), Palau                          1423
31/08-14/09      A35JLL: Tonga (Ha'apai group, OC-169)                 1421
August           GB5FWW: special callsign (England)                    1389
August           II4VOL: special callsign                              1391
August           KH9/N7NVK: Wake Island (OC-053)                       1418
August           PF2018HAR: special callsign                           1387
August           VY0BRR: Baffin Island (NA-047)                        1420
August           ZM50MAUQ: special callsign                            1404
01/09-10/09      EX0PL: Kyrgyzstan                                     1415
01/09-30/09      LZ920MLC: special callsign                            1392
01/09-30/09      VI#MARCONI: special callsigns                         1425
01/09-30/09      XR208A, XR208B, XR208C, XR208D: special callsigns     1425
01/09-27/12      TM70ONU: special callsign (France)                    1425
04/09-24/09      3B8/PA3HGT: Mauritius (AF-049)                        1425
08/09-16/09      W6A-W6U: Route 66 On The Air special event            1425
08/09-20/09      SV5/HB9OAU: Dodecanese (EU-001)                       1425
08/09-22/09      TM40CDXC: special callsign (France)                   1419
12/09-01/10      T32AH: Christmas Island (OC-024), East Kiribati       1399
13/09-16/09      EJ0DXG: Inishmore Island (EU-006)                     1421
14/09-16/09      TM95KOB: special callsign (France)                    1416
14/09-21/09      OV2T and 5Q7DX: Vendsyssel-Thy (EU-171)               1425
15/09-19/09      A35JLL: Tonga (Tongatapu, OC-049)                     1421
15/09-22/09      3W9JK: Cham Island (AS-162)                           1423
16/09-28/09      3DA0AO: eSwatini (Swaziland)                          1419
17/09-26/09      7Q7ELA: Malawi                                        1425
20/09-25/09      JW/DL4APJ and JW/DJ2AX: Svalbard (EU-026)             1425
20/09-06/10      HB0/DL5YL and HB0/DL5YM: Liechtenstein                1425
20/09-06/10      TO6OK: Mayotte (AF-027)                               1419
22/09-27/09      3W9JK/p: Vietnam                                      1423
28/09-14/10      5W0GC: Samoa (OC-097)                                 1407
29/09-06/10      VK9XT: Christmas Island (OC-002)                      1417
26/09-10/10      9X0T and 9X0Y: Rwanda                                 1419
30/09-12/10      C21GJ: Nauru (OC-031)                                 1413
September        GB6GW: special callsign (England)                     1389
September        II4LNZ: special callsign                              1391
September        KH9/N7NVK: Wake Island (OC-053)                       1418
September        PF2018DOK: special callsign                           1387
September        RI0B: Firnley Islands (AS-054)                        1425
September        RI0B: Tyrtov Island (AS-121)                          1425
September        RI0B: Rozmyslov Island (AS-104?)                      1425
September        RI0B: Nansen Island (AS-104)                          1425
September        RI0B: Scott-Hansen Islands (AS-068)                   1425
September        RI0B: Arkticheskogo Instituta Islands (AS-087)        1425
September        RI0B: Sibirjakov Island (AS-005)                      1425
September        VY0BRR: Baffin Island (NA-047)                        1420
01/10-12/10      ZA5V: Albania                                         1425
01/10-31/10      LZ1545POA: special callsign                           1392
02/10-29/10      WH8/DL2AH: Ofu Island (OC-077), American Samoa        1399
05/10-07/10      TM95KOB: special callsign (France)                    1416
06/10-16/10      E6Y: Niue (OC-040)                                    1415
09/10-21/10      TT8KO: Chad                                           1425
15/10-04/11      YJ0GC: Efate (OC-035), Vanuatu                        1407
16/10-22/10      EA9/W1XGI: Melilla                                    1425
16/10-22/10      ZL7X: Chatham Islands (OC-038)                        1425
17/10-30/10      VK9XG: Christmas Island (OC-002)                      1423
18/10-21/10      YB46SEA: special event station                        1411
19/10-29/10      4V7R: Haiti (NA-096)                                  1423
20/10-03/11      VP6D: Ducie Island (OC-182)                           1423
22/10-30/10      XT2SZZ: Burkina Faso                                  1423
26/10-06/11      Z23MD: Zimbabwe                                       1411
October          GB6FWW: special callsign (England)                    1389
October          II4OER: special callsign                              1391
October          PF2018WOR: special callsign                           1387
October          VY0BRR: Baffin Island (NA-047)                        1420
01/11-30/11      LZ33MM: special callsign                              1392
03/11-06/11      VK9XQ: Christmas Island (OC-002)                      1405
06/11-10/11      VK9CH: Cocos (Keeling) Islands (OC-003)               1405
07/11-14/11      V47FWX: St Kitts (NA-104)                             1423
09/11-12/11      TM100ARM: special callsign (France)                   1418
10/11-11/11      GB0AD: special callsign (England)                     1389
10/11-17/11      VK9XQ: Christmas Island (OC-002)                      1405
16/11-18/11      TM95KOB: special callsign (France)                    1416
November         GB8GW: special callsign (England)                     1389
November         II4HNR: special callsign                              1391
November         PF2018STA: special callsign                           1387
November         VY0BRR: Baffin Island (NA-047)                        1420
01/12-31/12      LZ532PSO: special callsign                            1392
December         II4FRD: special callsign                              1391
December         PF2018xxx: special callsigns                          1387
December         VY0BRR: Baffin Island (NA-047)                        1420
TBA              3Y0I: Bouvet Island                                   1418
TBA              DX8MAP: Mapun Island (OC-105)                         1396
TBA              DX8TT: Tawi Tawi (OC-174)                             1396
TBA              VK6BP/p: Cockatoo Island (OC-071)                     1411


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                                Direttore Responsabile
                                Gabriele Villa,  I2VGW
                    Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                           Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                     Roma, Italia

