Tuesday, August 7, 2018

425 DX Group News

4 August 2018                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1422
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till  04/08      3B8/OK2ZI: Mauritius Island (AF-049)                  1417
till  04/08      OZ9V/p: Laesoe Island (EU-088)                        1417
till  06/08      E51BUO: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks               1421
till  06/08      GB5RC: special station (England)                      1421
till  07/08      D44EK: Sal Island (AF-086)                            1420
till  10/08      9A/IK4LZH: Krk Island (EU-136)                        1422
till  10/08      LA/CT1BWW: Lofoten Islands (EU-076)                   1420
till  10/08      SV8/OK1FFU: Naxos Island (EU-067)                     1422
till  15/08      JG1RHN/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                 1419
till  15/08      OH3AD/5: Kirkonmaa Island (EU-140)                    1417
till  20/08      IM0/I0PNM: San Pietro Island (EU-165)                 1417
till  24/08      II6CNT: special calsign                               1373
till  31/08      CY1R: Newfoundland (NA-027)                           1422
till  31/08      LZ1146SPS: special callsign                           1392
till  31/08      VI50IARU3: special callsign                           1410
till  31/08      VI70MI: Australia                                     1415
till  01/09      9M61MA, 9M61MB, 9M61MC, 9M61MD: West Malaysia         1421
till  01/09      9M61MJ, 9M61MK, 9M61MM, 9M61MN: West Malaysia         1421
till  01/09      9M61MP, 9M61MR, 9M61MT, 9M61MW, 9M61MY: West Malaysia 1421
till  01/09      9M61MQ and 9M61MS: East Malaysia                      1421
till  01/09      RI1FJ: Franz Josef Land (EU-019)                      1404
till  15/09      4W6VA: Timor Leste (OC-148)                           1419
till  30/09      EI0DXG: Ireland (EU-115)                              1412
till  20/10      IB2RT: special callsign                               1403
till  31/10      BV50IARU: special callsign                            1414
till  31/10      HL50IARU: special callsign                            1410
till  31/10      HS50IARU: special callsign                            1414
till  13/11      OE100: special prefix                                 1401
till  31/12      4K100W: special callsign                              1400
till  31/12      5W20SAMOA: special callsign (Samoa, OC-097)           1392
till  31/12      9A36W and 9A61AA: special callsigns                   1391
till  31/12      DA200FWR: special callsign                            1391
till  31/12      DJ70WAE: special callsign                             1391
till  31/12      DK200MARX: special callsign                           1391
till  31/12      EI100MCV: special callsign                            1391
till  31/12      II2RR: special callsign                               1398
till  31/12      IR0FOC: special callsign (Sardinia)                   1394
till  31/12      LM90C, LM90HQ, LM90NRRL: special callsigns            1393
till  31/12      S590RTVS: special callsign                            1407
till  31/12      SU9JT: Egypt                                          1399
till  31/12      YT100SF and YU100WWI: special callsigns               1399
till  31/03 2019 GB100RAF: special callsign                            1404
till  March 2019 RI1ANL: Novolazarevskaya Station, Antarctica          1421
till  March 2019 RI1ANW: Novolazarevskaya Station, Antarctica          1421
till  March 2019 VK0AI: Macquarie Island (AN-005)                      1406
04/08            W2T: Tucker's Island Lighthouse                       1422
04/08-12/08      R25RRA: EU-082                                        1422
05/08-11/08      MU/SP7VC: Guernsey (EU-114)                           1421
05/08-12/08      ZA/SP7IDX: Albania                                    1421
06/08-10/08      GD8GNI: Isle of Man (EU-116)                          1422
06/08-14/08      4S7DMG: Sri Lanka (AS-003)                            1421
06/08-14/08      B0/BI8CKU: Tibet, PRC                                 1421
07/08-10/08      HC1HC/8: Galapagos Islands (SA-004)                   1421
08/08-15/08      A35JLL: Tonga (Tongatapu, OC-049)                     1421
08/08-15/08      ZS9YOTA: Youngsters on the Air (South Africa)         1422
08/08-17/08      A35RR: Tonga                                          1422
09/08-27/08      OX/W0GPR: Greenland (NA-018)                          1422
10/08-17/08      YB73RI/0-YB73RI/9: special event callsigns            1422
11/08-14/08      MJ/SP7VC: Jersey (EU-013)                             1421
12/08-19/08      V26NF: Antigua (NA-100)                               1422
13/08-21/08      TX5T: Raivavae (OC-114), Austral Islands              1419
13/08-10/09      TK/DJ0TP: Corsica (EU-014)                            1422
15/08-18/08      D73G: Hachiuja Island (AS-084)                        1422
15/08-29/08      OX3LX: Uummannaq Island (NA-134)                      1422
16/08-20/08      LR5D: Isla Martin Garcia (SA-055)                     1422
16/08-30/08      A35JLL: Tonga (Vava'u group, OC-064)                  1421
17/08-20/08      ZS9V: Robben Island (AF-064)                          1419
18/08-19/08      International  Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend           1422
18/08-25/08      OJ0C: Market Reef (EU-053)                            1417
18/08-26/08      RT65KI: Idlidlya Island (AS-065)                      1421
24/08-26/08      EJ0DXG: Bere Island (EU-121)                          1412
31/08-14/09      A35JLL: Tonga (Ha'apai group, OC-169)                 1421
August           GB5FWW: special callsign (England)                    1389
August           II4VOL: special callsign                              1391
August           JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                 1403
August           KH9/N7NVK: Wake Island (OC-053)                       1418
August           PF2018HAR: special callsign                           1387
August           RI1OA: Novaya Zemlya (EU-035)                         1422
August           UA1QV/1: EU-086 and/or EU-102                         1422
August           VY0BRR: Baffin Island (NA-047)                        1420
August           ZM50MAUQ: special callsign                            1404
01/09-10/09      EX0PL: Kyrgyzstan                                     1415
01/09-30/09      LZ920MLC: special callsign                            1392
08/09-22/09      TM40CDXC: special callsign (France)                   1419
12/09-01/10      T32AH: Christmas Island (OC-024), East Kiribati       1399
13/09-16/09      EJ0DXG: Inishmore Island (EU-006)                     1421
14/09-16/09      TM95KOB: special callsign (France)                    1416
15/09-19/09      A35JLL: Tonga (Tongatapu, OC-049)                     1421
16/09-28/09      3DA0AO: eSwatini (Swaziland)                          1419
20/09-06/10      TO6OK: Mayotte (AF-027)                               1419
28/09-14/10      5W0GC: Samoa (OC-097)                                 1407
29/09-06/10      VK9XT: Christmas Island (OC-002)                      1417
26/09-10/10      9X0T and 9X0Y: Rwanda                                 1419
30/09-12/10      C21GJ: Nauru (OC-031)                                 1413
September        GB6GW: special callsign (England)                     1389
September        II4LNZ: special callsign                              1391
September        KH9/N7NVK: Wake Island (OC-053)                       1418
September        PF2018DOK: special callsign                           1387
September        RI0B: Firnley Islands (AS-054)                        1422
September        RI0B: Tyrtov Island (AS-121)                          1422
September        RI0B: Rozmyslov Island (AS-104?)                      1422
September        RI0B: Nansen Island (AS-104)                          1422
September        RI0B: Scott-Hansen Islands (AS-068)                   1422
September        RI0B: Arkticheskogo Instituta Islands (AS-087)        1422
September        RI0B: Sibirjakov Island (AS-005)                      1422
September        VY0BRR: Baffin Island (NA-047)                        1420
01/10-31/10      LZ1545POA: special callsign                           1392
02/10-29/10      WH8/DL2AH: Ofu Island (OC-077), American Samoa        1399
05/10-07/10      TM95KOB: special callsign (France)                    1416
06/10-16/10      E6Y: Niue (OC-040)                                    1415
15/10-04/11      YJ0GC: Efate (OC-035), Vanuatu                        1407
18/10-21/10      YB46SEA: special event station                        1411
20/10-03/11      VP6D: Ducie Island (OC-182)                           1421
26/10-06/11      Z23MD: Zimbabwe                                       1411
October          GB6FWW: special callsign (England)                    1389
October          II4OER: special callsign                              1391
October          PF2018WOR: special callsign                           1387
October          VY0BRR: Baffin Island (NA-047)                        1420
01/11-30/11      LZ33MM: special callsign                              1392
03/11-06/11      VK9XQ: Christmas Island (OC-002)                      1405
06/11-10/11      VK9CH: Cocos (Keeling) Islands (OC-003)               1405
09/11-12/11      TM100ARM: special callsign (France)                   1418
10/11-11/11      GB0AD: special callsign (England)                     1389
10/11-17/11      VK9XQ: Christmas Island (OC-002)                      1405
16/11-18/11      TM95KOB: special callsign (France)                    1416
November         GB8GW: special callsign (England)                     1389
November         II4HNR: special callsign                              1391
November         PF2018STA: special callsign                           1387
November         VY0BRR: Baffin Island (NA-047)                        1420
01/12-31/12      LZ532PSO: special callsign                            1392
December         II4FRD: special callsign                              1391
December         PF2018xxx: special callsigns                          1387
December         VY0BRR: Baffin Island (NA-047)                        1420
TBA              3D2CR: Conway Reef (OC-112)                           1411
TBA              3Y0I: Bouvet Island                                   1418
TBA              DX8MAP: Mapun Island (OC-105)                         1396
TBA              DX8TT: Tawi Tawi (OC-174)                             1396
TBA              T31T: Central Kiribati (OC-043)                       1411
TBA              VK6BP/p: Cockatoo Island (OC-071)                     1411


                  425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                  425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly

4 August 2018                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1422

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9A     - Gianluca, IK4LZH  will  be  active  as  9A/IK4LZH  from  Krk Island
         (EU-136) on 2-10 August.  He will operate SSB on  40, 20, 15 and 10
         metres. QSL via home call. [TNX IK4LZH]
A3     - Roly, ZL1BQD will be active as A35RR from Togatapu (OC-049),  Tonga
         on 8-17 August.  He might also  spend  a couple  of days on  Vava'u
         (OC-064). In his spare time he will operate mainly FT8  (DXpedition
         mode  "if the pileups  get  too deep"), with  some  SSB  and CW  if
         conditions allow. QSL via LoTW, eQSL or direct to ZL1BQD. [TNX OPDX
GD     - Andrew, G8GNI  will  be  active  as  GD8GNI  from  the  Isle of Man
         (EU-116) on 6-10 August.  He will operate  digital modes only.  QSL
         via LoTW, or via home call  (direct or bureau);  logsearch  on Club
         Log. [TNX The Daily DX]
HL     - The Gwangju DX Club will be active  as  D73G  from  Hachiuja Island
         (AS-084) on 15-18 August.  Plans are to be QRV  on  80-6 metres CW,
         SSB and  digital modes, including  FT8 in DXpedition mode.  QSL via
         6L0NJ (bureau). [TNX The Daily DX]
LU     - A team of seven will be  active  as  LR5D  from  Isla Martin Garcia
         (SA-055) on 16-20 August.  They  will operate CW, SSB  and  digital
         modes. QSL via LU4AA, direct or bureau.
OX     - Brandon, W0GPR will be  active  as  OX/W0GPR  during  a  scientific
         campaign to western Greenland on 9-27 August.  When time allows  he
         will operate  SSB, FT8  and  other  digital modes  on  40-6 metres.
         Depending on v arious camp  locations, he might be  QRV from  grids
         GP48, GP49, GP58 and GP59.  QSL via LOTW,  or direct to  home call.
         [TNX NG3K]
OX     - Bo, OZ1DJJ (http://geronne.dk/index.php/ox3lx/ox3lx-dxped) will  be
         active again  as  OX3LX  from  Uummannaq Island (NA-134)  on  15-29
         August. Bo is QRV in his  spare  time, typically  "around lunch and
         after dinner". QSL via OZ0J, Club Log's  OQRS and LoTW.
SV     - Petr, OK1FFU will be active as SV8/OK1FFU  from  Naxos (EU-067)  on
         1-10 August. He operates CW and SSB on 40-10 metres. QSL via OM2FY.
         [TNX NG3K]
TK     - Once again Frans, DJ0TP will be active  holiday style  as  TK/DJ0TP
         from Corsica (EU-014) between  13 August and 10 September.  QSL via
         LoTW, or via home call (direct or bureau). [TNX DJ0TP]
UA     - Mikhail, UA1QV will be active as RI1OA from  Novaya Zemlya (EU-035)
         during the first half of August.  He will depart from  the  port of
         Naryan-Mar on 4 August, and will QRV as UA1QV/mm during the voyage.
         Depending on local conditions,  he might  also operate  as  UA1QV/1
         from  IOTA  groups   EU-086  and/or  EU-102  along  the  way.   See
         https://www.qrz.com/db/RI1OA for updates.  QSL via Club Log's  OQRS
         (direct or bureau), or via UA1QV.
UA     - Celebrating  the  25th anniversary  of  the  Russian Robinson Club,
         Mikhail, RA1ALA will be active as R25RRA from IOTA group EU-082  on
         4-12 August.  Plans are to be QRV from either  the  Kyskiye Islands
         (RR-03-30) and the Aynovy Islands (RR-03-22). QSL via RZ3EC.
UA9    - The RI0B DXpedition [425DXN 1419] is now set to start on  25 August
         from Arkhangelsk.  They expect to arrive at  Dikson Island (AS-005)
         on 5 September, and to proceed immediately  to the  Firnley Islands
         (AS-054). On their way back they will stop  and be  QRV  from other
         six islands  in  five  IOTA  groups:  Tyrtov  (AS-121),   Rozmyslov
         (claimed to  qualify  for  AS-104),  Nansen (AS-104),  Scott-Hansen
         (AS-068), Arkticheskogo Instituta (AS-087) and  finally  Sibirjakov
         (AS-005).  Plans  are for three stations  to  operate  CW, SSB  and
         digital modes on 40-10 metres. RI0B will use FT8 DXpedition mode on
         14095 kHz. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.  Updates and other information,
         including the tracking tools to  follow the  DXpedition's progress,
         can be found on https://www.qrz.com/db/ri0b.
V2     - Philippe, EA4NF will be active  as V26NF  from  Antigua (NA-100) on
         12-19 August.  He will be QRV on  40-10 metres.  QSL via home call,
         direct or bureau. [TNX DX World]
VE     - Special callsign CY1R will be  QRV  from  Newfoundland (NA-027) for
         the entire month of August to celebrate  the  200th running of  the
         Royal St. Johns Regatta,  North America's  oldest  annual  sporting
         event. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS or direct only to VO1IDX.
W      - The Old Barney Amateur Radio Club will be active as  W2T  from  the
         Tucker's Island Lighthouse in the Tuckerton Seaport  (mainland  New
         Jersey) on 4 August, from about 13 UTC to 21 UTC. They will operate
         SSB and some CW and FT8 on 40 and 20 metres. QSL VIA N2OO. [TNX The
         Daily DX]
YB     - YB73RI is a special callsign celebrating  the  73rd anniversary  of
         the Republic of Indonesia on 10-17 August. Activity will take place
         from all Indonesian provinces and  ORARI districts,  using YB73RI/0
         to YB73RI/9. Logsearch and information on the award programme  will
         be available on https://yb73ri.orari.or.id.
ZS     - ZS9YOTA is the callsign that will be used during the 8th edition of
         the Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) Camp,  to be hosted  by the  South
         African Radio League  on  8-15 August  (http://www.zs9yota.co.za/).
         This annual event brings together  young people from  IARU Region 1
         member societies for a week, creating  an opportunity to learn  all
         about different  nationalities and  cultures,  foster international
         friendships and goodwill, and learn new amateur radio skills.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

CW OPEN ---> CWops sponsors CW Test -  fun,  weekly  competitions  at  times
thought  to  be  optimum  for  amateurs  in  ITU   Regions    1,  2,  and  3
(www.cwops.org/cwt.html).  The  CW  Open  (CWO)  is  guided   by   the  same
principles along with enhancements to make it a serious, annual  competitive
event. There are three separate competitions ('sessions') at three  separate
times, and the object is work as many  CW  stations  worldwide  as  possible
within each session. The 2018 CW Open will be held on 1 September, at  00.00
- 03.59 UTC (Session 1), 12.00 - 15.59 UTC (Session 2)  and  20.00  -  23.59
UTC (Session 3). Complete details can be found at  www.cwops.org/cwopen.html

ILLW ---> The 21st annual International  Lighthouse/Lightship  Weekend  will
take place from 00.01 UTC  on  18  August  until  23.59  UTC  on  the  19th.
Complete information on this popular event, including a  list  of  announced
participating stations, can be found at https://illw.net/.

INDEXA NEWSLETTER ---> The Summer 2018 edition (#122)  of the  International
DX Association's  Newsletter  (INDEXA)   is now   available for download  at
http://www.indexa.org/newsletters.html.  It contains PA3EWP's 6-page  report
on the 3D2EU DXpedition  to Rotuma  earlier  this year.  Also in this issue,
President Bob Schenck (N2OO) "provides some of his experiences using FT8  in
these  times when  solar  activity is quite low"  and  outlines the  "INDEXA
Membership Ambassador Program". [TNX K8YC]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3W3B        E21EIC      EH2DLG      EB2FAC      OE100RAD    OE6RAD
4J100A      4J5A        EI0DXG      M0OXO       OH0Z        W0MM
4J28MAY     4J5A        EI0W        EI9GTB      OJ0C        OJ3JR
4L1FL       EA7FTR      EJ0DXG      M0OXO       P29LL       EA7FTR
4X0B        4X6ZM       EJ4GRC      EI8DD       P29VIM      YO5BIM
5E5A        EA7FTR      EJ6KP       EI6KP       PA10TA      PA2TMS
5E5PG       EA7FTR      EM9WFF      EA5EL       PA146EU     PB0P
5E5R        CN8YZ       ES3V        ES3VI       PA6IOT      ON3UN
5E5VO       CN8VO       ES8DJ/8     ES2DJ       PF2018HAR   PA0MBD
5E5WW       CN8WW       ES8GP       ES5GP       PI4AMF/p    PA3EYC
5H3EE       DL4ME       F/OO4O      ON4APU      PR2CI       PY2AE
5P5CW       DL5SE       G0LKS       GM0LKS      PS1S        M0OXO
5P5X        DD5ZZ       G2F         G8HDK       PU0FDN      PY7RP
9A/OM2ZZ    OM2FY       G6LD        G3SDY       PW7I        PY7RP
9A/OM5AW    OM2FY       G7Y         M0ZDZ       PX8Z        PY8WW
9A1WFF      9A2MF       G8X         G4FJK       R18ARMI     R4AS
9A2018CRO   9A7R        GB5RC       G6NHU [d]   R1KRG/p     R1NU
9A4KJ       9A2EU       GB5RC       GB5RC [b]   R25RFF      RZ3EC
9A5PC       NF4A        GD4SKA      M0OXO       R25RMA      RZ3EC
9A8CW       9A8CW  [b]  GI5I        GI4DOH      R25RRA      RZ3EC
9A8CW       UA6LCW [d]  GJ3RCV      G4DFI       R25RRC      RZ3EC
9A8DV       IK6VXO      GM2T        GM4UYZ      R27ARDF     RK3VWA
9A8DV       IK6VXO      GM7V        N3SL        RI1ANW      RN1ON
9A8TQF      HB9TQF      GP6UW       G6UW   [b]  RZ9SFF      UA9SIV
9H3HZ       TA1HZ       GP6UW       M0BLF  [d]  S79LD       VK4EF
9H3TKF      G3TKF       GS3ZET      GM3ZET      SD1A        SM1TDE
9H4G        M0OXO       GW3TTC/p    G3TTC       SF2X/p      SM5EFX
9H6A        9H1BT       HB0/DK6DD   9A6NDD      SK2T        SK2AT
9H6YB       G3SWH       HG18CEJ     HA3JO       SN0RX       SP8BXL
9M61MA      9W2FSY      HZ1TT       A61BK       SN0TANK     SP2PBM
9M61MJ      9W2JMW      IF9A        IT9ATF      SN0WFF      SP5C
9M61MR      9M4CPS      II3WW       IQ3BM       SN740BAR    SP1KRF
9M61MS      9M6BRC      II3Y        IV3OSC      SU9JG       EA5GL
9V1YC       W5UE        II4VOL      IQ4FE       SV5/OM6NM   OM2FY
A71OK       EA5GL       II7P        IK7LMX      SV5/RT1L    OH2FUW
BD7YK       BD7PUZ      IJ7V        IK7IMO      T30TM       VK1TX
BV0WPX      BV2KI       IO9Z        IT9DSZ      T6TM        W2GR
BV30R       BM2JCC      IP1T        I1ANP       T88LR       JA1LRV
BW9W        BV2KI       IQ9YV       9A8MDC      TF/N0DIR    EY8MM
BY4JN       BI4IIZ      IY4FGM      I4KMW       TI2CF       W3HNK
BY7KP       BA4EG       J48J        SV1PMQ      TM13FAJ     F5KHP [b]
C37UN       C37URA      J49A        SV9GPV      TM13FAJ     F8BMG [d]
C91CCY      K3IRV       K1IMI       N4CW        TM220BP     F4GFE
CK2I        VE2EBK      K3Y         WX4TV       TM2BZH      F6CNM
CN2KW       ON4KWT      KH2L        W3HNK       TM5F        F5SDD
CP6GR       DF9GR       KL7SB/VP9   NI5DX       TM6N        F4GYM
CR2S        K2PF        LC5C        LA6KOA      TM88FU      F8KHP
CR3DX       OM2VL       LY2018RMD   LY1RMD      TY2CD       N4GNR
CR5CW       CT7ACG      LZ0I        LZ1BJ       V31MA       M0OXO
CT8/R7KW    K2PF        LZ1146SPS   LZ1KCP      V73NS       W3HNK
CT9ABN      OM2VL       LZ115RF     LZ1YE       VB1M        VA1YL
CT9ABO      OM3GI       M0VPY       MM0VPY      VE9AA       VE3IKV
CT9ABP      OM3BH       M1K         M1KTA       VE9IU       KI1U
D44EK       M0UPL       MD7C        M0OXO       VQ9RA       WW6RG
DK3R        DL1KZA      MI0M        MI0SAI      W4AN        K4BAI
DL0RRC      DL6ZFG      MI5I        GI0RQK      YB3MM/2     IZ8CCW
DQ800HRO    DL5KVV      MJ8C        G4DFI       YO14IPA     YO3AS
E2X         E20GMY      MM1E        MM0GOR      YP1IP       YO3KEX
E51BUO      G4BUO       MT0IXD      M0OXO       YP27EKE     YO6PIB
E725ZRHB    E73Y        MX5A        G3TXF       YU100APV    YU7APV
EA8RM       EB7DX       N4H         W4MY        YU70SRV     YU7APV
ED1K        EA1NK       OC4HP       OA4O        YV7MAY      EA8MU
EG1PMC      EA1AUM      OD5VB       EA5GL       ZB2TT       M0URX
EG8FVC      EA8URV      OD5ZZ       NI5DX       ZV8FF       PS8RV

EA5EL    Eugene Mosiychuk, Apartado Postal 5, 03170 Rojales (Alicante),
EA8MU    Saul Garcia, Apartado Postal 136, 38320 La Cuesta, Santa Cruz de
         Tenerife, Spain
OZ11A    Leif Nielsen, Stenhoejvej 280, 9900 Frederikshavn, Denmark
OZ30EU   Svend Erik Kofod, Kanegaardsvej 4, 3700 Roenne, Denmark
PS8RV    Ronaldo Val, Caixa Postal 2090, Teresina - PI, 64048-971, Brazil
PY2AE    Marcelo Pera, Rua Vitoria Colombo Rossi 317, Valinhos - SP,
         13270-260, Brazil
PY7RP    Renner Pedroza, Rua Waldemar Nery Carneiro Monteiro 475 Apt 602,
         Boa Viagem, Recife - PE, 51030-140, Brazil
PY8WW    Renato Araujo, Caixa Postal 280, Belem - PA, 66017-970, Brazil
VE2EBK   Dany Belanger, 68 Rue Latouche, Quebec QC G1E 6M8, Canada
VK1TX    Alex Ihasz, 27 Buckley Circuit, Kambah ACT 2902, Australia
W4MY     Robert M. Young, 209 East D Street, Erwin NC 28339, USA
ZV5O     Marcelo Teixeira, Rua Francisco Maravalhas 246, Curitiba-PR,
         81540-360, Brazil


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (i1jqj.mauro@gmail.com)   
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia

