Friday, December 27, 2019

Around The DX World 27 Dec 2019

January 2020 Radio ZS

The January 2020 issue of Radio ZS will be uploaded to the South African Radio League website by Friday 27 December.
In this issue you can read about getting out of your shack and discovering new opportunities; Jonathan, ZS1ARB discusses QRP and Motorbikes - lessons learned from 1 500 km of dirt road and Dennis, ZS1AU tells us about ZS1LP/MM and the 1982/83 BOC Around-The-World Yacht Race.
Dennis, ZS4BS gives you all the information about the Southern African Fauna and Flora Programme or Parks-on-the-Air (POTA) and the four certificates that are available for activating parks during 2020. We have a look at the 6 metre Band Plan after WRC-19, RF pollution from solar panel installations and Electrostatic discharge (ESD).

Eddie, ZS6BNE gets his grandson involved with the weather satellites in the RaDAR column, then in the Museum Piece we look at the sinking of U-197 and Brian, ZS6YZ tells about the Bethlehem 2 metre beacon.
And there is more in the 70 page plus issue.
The South African Radio League

Europe 1 on 183 kHz closure confirmation

Europe 1 has announced its intention to cease its long-wave transmissions from the end of this year.
A translation of their statement reads:
Dear Sir.
As listening habits are changing and the use of digital media is increasing, Europe 1 will no longer broadcast on the long wave from midnight on December 31, 2019.
A choice assumed by the station which has always shown innovation in its way of thinking and conceiving the listening of its programs.
The environmental approach also motivated this decision. Leaving the big waves is also protecting the environment. Happy holidays to you.

Constance BENQUÉ Managing Director Lagardère News
(Europe 1 / Paris Match / JDD) CEO ELLE Internationals)

Algeria on the air

Operators from the Association des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens (ARAT) join forces with members of the Amateurs Radio Algeriens (ARA) for a low-band DXpedition as 7X7T from Bejaia (WW Loc. JM26ms).
Team members are Afif/7X2RO, Ash/3V8SS, Ahmed/3V1B, Marwa/3V8CB,
Mohamed/7X3TL, Redha/7X5QB, and Abdelghani/7X2TT.
QRV from Dec. 28 until Jan. 2 on CW, SSB, and FT8.
QSL via 7X2RO, LoTW

Canadian operation

Chris VE3FU/VO2AC, Frank/VO1HP, and Dave VE9CB/VO2AAA will be activating Point Amour Lighthouse, located in CQ zone 2, during the CQ WW DX 160m CW Contest.
QRV as VO2AC during the contest, and before also as VO1HP/VO2 and VO2AAA with a focus towards Japan and Asia on CW and FT8; if time allows they will also try to work on 80, 60, and 40m.

Cuban centennial

Members of the Radio Club of Caibarien will be active with the callsign T46W form Dec. 29 to 31 on 80 to 10m on SSB, CW, and FT8.
The operation commemorates the centennial the first transmission of Cuba's radio pioneer Manuel Antonio Alvarez (Manolin/CO6MA).
QSL via LoTW.