Thursday, December 5, 2019

Rotuma DXpedition

Rotuma DXpedition news

"Sailing to Rotuma is now confirmed for the 14th of December, with start of operations around the 17th of December.
Because of the need to take drums of diesel fuel, a heavy-duty generator, and other equipment flying is not an option.
Focus will be on low bands including 160m, 80m and 60m, with QRO when required. There will be NO internet access during the expedition; FT8 logs will be uploaded to Club-Log AFTER the expedition and CW/SSB/RTTY contacts will be recorded on paper logs as customary for this OP.

Efforts are being made now to source a backup generator, fuel and pack antennas / gear ready for the end of the month. Please note that as this is a one-op expedition, the station may not be QRV all the time. Efforts will be made to be active at local SR/SS and known opening times to EU, NA, SA, OC and AS. The Southern Es 6m season has officially begun, and there will be much 6m activation as well from Rotuma.

Beware of pirates impersonating the Rotuma expedition, especially in EU!

QSL Information: Via 3D2AG, using PayPal to email address
( (preferred, safer)/ direct for CW/SSB/RTTY and ClubLog's
OQRS (FT8/Digimodes only). No LoTW unless OQRS made first and ADIF file
sent (expedition uses paper logs for CW).
Donations welcome to assist with generator and fuel procurement for low bands QRO operation."
Antoine, 3D2AG
EDITOR'S NOTE: For more details, updates, and operating schedule and
frequencies, watch the at: