Friday, December 27, 2019

True Blue DXers Letter

Seasons Greetings to all True Blue DXers!

Dear members,

I am happy to let you know that we are now approaching 1,100 TBDXC members. When the Club was launched we thought that 500 members would be a reasonable objective and it was the main goal at the beginning. We exceeded 1000 members very quickly and I am happy to say that new friends are still coming.

The healthy growth of our Club shows that there still is great interest for traditional, human-to-human forms of amateur radio communication. However, when one scans the band, the situation remains dire: those of us with a panadapter see a completely deserted CW sub-band, for instance, and at the upper edge of it a forest of digital signals which would be perfectly copiable by ear.

I would therefore like to thanks to all those who have made an effort to publicize the Club in the past but I would also like to remember to all members that only our activity on the bands can keep them alive. Daily based activities as ragchewing, nets, DXing and contesting on CW and SSB can only help us to survive on the air.

I would also like to remind everybody our award programme. Recently, Barry Hansen OZ8BZ became only the second recipient of our DX Excellence Award. I must admit that it is quite discouraging to see that initiatives aimed at increasing our beloved activity on the bands have had so little pickup.

I would like to send our warm wishes Merry Christmas and Happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2020 to all our members.

I hope to meet you on the air soon!

Petr, OK1RP
TBDXC president