Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Thank You! Information Submissions Appreciated

I was working here on the blog and saw how many people have come to visit.

I started this journey back in 1980 when I began to publish the Russian Trawler. That newsletter was spurred on by Tom Frenay, K1KI  and his Russian Tidbits.

Now we publish electronically and it is instantaneously available. How wonderful. I would ask all of my readers to contribute any DX news, Special events, and contest info. Anything related to DXing and radio is welcome. This includes personal stories and photos as well.

I have always enjoyed working the former Soviet Union and would be happy to hear from my radio friends living there.

Please contact me at The DX Trawler

I thank everyone for coming to read the blog.

This is my QSL card based on an older Soviet Design.

My card was printed by Gennady, Ux5uo...beautiful cards at a great price.