Friday, December 23, 2016

THE 425 DX GROUP Calendae 12/24/2016

24 December 2016                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1338

                    *        TO ALL  OUR READERS        *
                    * WARMEST THOUGHTS  AND BEST WISHES *
                    *     FOR  A  WONDERFUL HOLIDAY     *
                    *    AND A VERY  HAPPY NEW  YEAR    *

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DU     - Chris VK3FY, Nik VK3FNIK and  Dindo DU1UD will be  active as  DX8DX
         (to be  confirmed)  from Luzon  Island (OC-042) on  23-29 December,
         with the possibility of side trips to other IOTA groups in the same
         region (for instance OC-130  and OC-235).  On 6-8 January DX8DX (to
         be confirmed) will be QRV from the Calagua Islands (OC-202).  Plans
         are to operate SSB and CW on 40-10 metres, with limited activity on
         80 and 160m.  QSL via M0OXO's OQRS (direct and bureau); traditional
         cards should be sent to M0OXO direct only. [TNX M0OXO]
E5_sc  - Milan, OK1DWC  has  been  active  again as  E51DWC  from  Rarotonga
         (OC-013), South Cook Islands since 22 December.  His first activity
         was  in  June-September 2015, length of  current stay  unknown.  He
         operates CW, SSB and RTTY on  160-10 metres.  QSL via OK1DWC,  Club
         Log's OQRS, LoTW and eQSL; QSLling policy at
EA8    - Mauro, IV3HAX will be active again as EA8/IV3HAX from Fuerteventura
         Canary  Islands (AF-004)  from  27 December  to 6 January.  He will
         operate CW, RTTY and PSK on the HF bands.  QSL via IV3HAX (direct),
         LoTW, eQSL and Club Log's OQRS. [TNX DX Coffee]
EI     - From 1 January to 31 December 2017 nine special callsigns (EI11WAW,
         EI22WAW, EI33WAW,  EI44WAW, EI55WAW, EI66WAW, EI77WAW, EI88WAW  and
         EI99WAW) will  be  active  to  celebrate  the  Wild Atlantic Way, a
         tourism route on the west coast of Ireland  that  runs for 2,500 km
         passing through  nine Counties  and  three provinces.  Each special
         callsign will be associated  with one of  those Counties.  QSLs via
         EI6AL; OQRS on Club Log. A certificate will be  made available  for
         download to any station  that works  all nine calls, on any band or
         mode; apply by email to EI6AL giving your name and callsign.
SM     - Once again the unique and still operational  long wave transmitter,
         with  call  sign SAQ, at  the  Varberg Radio  Station  at  Grimeton
         (southern Sweden) will be activated on VLF 17.2 kHz on 24 December.
         The  message  transmission  will  take place  at  8  UTC   and  the
         transmitter will be tuned up from around 7.30 UTC.  There will also
         be CW activity on the amateur radio bands (7035 or 14035 kHz)  with
         the  call  SK6SAQ.  See  for  updates  and  QSL
         information. Built in 1922-24, the  Varberg Radio Station has  been
         inscribed on the  UNESCO World Heritage list since 2004.  It is "an
         exceptionally    well-preserved   monument   to   early    wireless
         transatlantic   communication",   representing  "the   process   of
         development of communication technology in the period following the
         First World War".
SP     - Special event station  HF800O will  be active  from 1 January to 31
         March to  celebrate  the  800th anniversary  of the  Polish city of
         Opole. Activity will be on 80-10 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK . QSL
         via SP6PAZ, direct or bureau. [TNX SP6DVP]
T8     - Ryosei, JH0IXE will be active  again as  T8CW from  Koror (OC-009),
         Palau from  26 December  to 6 January.  QSL via JA0FOX (bureau)  or
         JH0IXE (direct), LoTW and eQSL. [TNX The Daily DX]
UA     - Russian  Robinson Club's  members  R7AL, RA1ZZ,  RK8A and RW5D  are
         planning a DXpedition to  take place from  Iony Island (AS-069)  on
         20-24 July (dates are tentative and highly dependent on weather and
         sea conditions). They will operate as RI0C with two stations on 40,
         30, 20, 17, 15 and  10 metres  CW, SSB and  digital modes.  QSL via
         Club   Log's  OQRS;  traditional  cards  via  R7AL   (direct).  See for further information and updates. The first and
         only operation from this IOTA group dates back to 1990 (EK0AC).
VE     - Celebrating  the  150th  anniversary  of   Canada's  Confederation,
         Canadian radio  amateurs  can  replace  their  normal  prefix  from
         1 January to 31 December: VA stations  can use CF, VE stations  can
         use CG, VO stations can use CH and VY stations can use CI.
VK     - Andy, VK5MAV will be active  as  VK9MAV  from  Marion Reef (OC-267;
         DXCC wise this is Australia, not Mellish Reef) for six days between
         15 and 25 May. Actual dates will  depend on weather conditions  and
         boat availability. He will run 100 watts to a multiband dipole  and
         VDAs for 20  and  15 metres.  QSL via Club Log's OQRS;  traditional
         cards should be sent to VK5MAV (direct only) or RN3RQ (bureau). See for further information and  updates.
         This IOTA group was activated only once, by VK4WWI/P back in 2004.
W      - Erik, N5WR will be active holiday  style  as  N5WR/5  from  Mustang
         Island (NA-092) from 26 December to 1 January. QSL via home call or
         Club Log's OQRS. [TNX DX World]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The November  2016  issue   is  now available  for
download at [TNX IZ3EBA]

2017 IOTA HONOUR ROLL ---> IOTA enthusiasts are reminded that the last  date
for mailing applications or updates to checkpoints for inclusion in the 2017
Honour Roll and other performance tables  is 31 January 2017.  If postmarked
after  that date, they  will be processed  in the normal way  but the scores
will be held over to the following year's listing. Participants who have not
updated since the 2012 annual listings and wish to remain listed should make
a submission on or before 31 January 2017. [TNX G3KMA]

DAYTON CONTEST UNIVERSITY ---> Registration is  now  open  for  2017  Dayton
Contest University (CTU), to be held all day on 18 May at the  Crowne  Plaza
Hotel in Dayton, Ohio. It will be the eleventh year in a row for CTU Dayton.
Complete details can be found on

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2JS       WB2TJO      EA8AH       OH1RY       R17TCNY     RN3RQ [b]
3G1D        XQ1FM       EA9KB       EA7FTR      R17TCNY     UA3RU [d]
3G3O        CE3OP       EG7SOM      EA7TV       R99FSB      UA3FQ
3Z0XMAS     SP6IEQ      EN25UARL    UT5UIA      RI1ANA      ZS1OIN
3Z70AR      SQ8ERS      EP2LSH      EA5GL       RI1ANC      RN1ON
4K6AG       RW6HS       EY8MM       K1BV        RI1AND      RW1AI
4K6N        RW6HS       FK8CE       NI5DX       RI1ANR      RK1PWA
4L5P        UT7QF       FK8DD       NI5DX       S01WS       EA2JG
4U1WB       KK4HD       FK8GX       W3HNK       SN800L      SP4RKZ
4X07W       4Z5LA       GB2GM       G3UCQ       ST0A        ST2M
5B4AMM      UT5UDX      HB0/NZ1C    DJ6GI       ST100S      ST2M
5C5W        EA5XX       HB9HLM      HB9OCR      ST2ND       ST2M
5T2AI       NI5DX       HC2AO       RC5A        SX25LSV     SZ8LSV
6W/UA4WHX/p UA4WHX      HC2HGT      IK2OHG      T88MZ       DU1CKF [d]
7P8GOZ      ZS1CDG      HF2017HNY   SP2PBM      T88MZ       JH0CKF [b]
8P9JB       J69Z        HI3AA       NK4DX       TI8/AA8HH   K8DV
9G1SD       AB0GC       HR2DMR      KD4POJ      TM2RST      F8DFO
9H3BP       G4GBP       HT7AAA      TI4SU       TR8CA       F6CBC
9Q6BB       W3HNK       J68HZ       K9HZ        TT8FC       EA3GWK
A41RN       A61BK       J68LNX      W2LNX       TY2BP       IK2IQD
A65CZ       K6EID       J79WTA      HB9MFM      UN7AB       DL8KAC
A71AM       M0OXO       J79XBI      SM5DJZ      UN7TX       RW6HS
A91ND       A92AA       KC4AAA      K1IED       V31MA       M0OXO
AO5CSM      EA5FJL      KL7SB       NI5DX       V51WH       DK2WH
BV0TW       BU2BF       LU1ZI       LU4AA       V73NS       W3HNK
C50VB       UA4WHX      LU4ZS       LU4DXU      VP2VGG      W6RWC
C5YK        ON7YK       MX0YHC      2E0SDV      VP5/VE7ACN  VE7ACN
C91IW       ZS1WY       OD5PY       KU9C        XW1IC       E21EIC
CE2AWW      N7RO        OD5ZZ       NI5DX       YP2017HNY   YO3KPA
CN2XW       G5XW        OH9SCL      OH9AB       ZB2TT       M0URX
CQ8CQ       CU3AA       OR70AF      ON2KFJ      ZF2WE       K5WE
CT7ANG      G0MMI       P3X         5B4AMM      ZL1SLO      EA5ZD
DR2016KIDS  DJ9PH       PA44FF      PH0NO       ZV2C        PY2CX
E51DWC      OK1DWC      PY2ZEA      OH2MM       ZW5B        K3IRV

4F7OC    Robert M. Wright, P.O. Box 7, Valencia, 6215 Negros Oriental,
6V1A     Jean-Luis Pipien, BP 1958, Mbour, Senegal
7T0A     Ben Lagha, 18 rue Louis Aragon, 26200 Montelimar, France
CE2LML   Luis Matho, 2303 Nordok Place, Alexandria VA 22306, USA
CN2JF    Jean-Pierre Francois, 5 Lieu dit Les Treilleys, 33240 Verac, France
EA2JG    Arseli Echeguren Bardeci, Barrena 6 1 Izq, 01408 Luiaondo
        (Alava), Spain
KP2Q     John L. Bednar, 340 Mac Arthur Drive, Orwigsburg PA 17961, USA
OK1DWC   Milan Vobornik, P. O. Box 22, 547 01 Nachod, Czech Republic
PJ2DX    Geoff Howard, 1700 Tower Pt Apt 505, Coeur d'Alene ID 83814-6193,
ST2M     Magdi Osman Ahmed Abdelrahim, P.O. Box 2, Khartoum Airport 11112,
XR2K     Luis Matho, 2303 Nordok Place, Alexandria VA 22306, USA
ZT1T     Tom Morgan, 58 Piet Retief Street, Robertson, 6705, South Africa


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia
